i've heard that. tell me about them. what use do we have for a psychic if she's insane? how is she physically? yes. she always did love to dance. he drops to one knee, slamming his baton to the floor. we can't make it to the surface from inside. simon turns suddenly as he hears footsteps, people heading at them from the other side of the doors. 4wo simon get on! he is standing by the window -- and the security agent is right behind him, punching the window with all his might. simon helps river onto the gurney, then jumps on himself as the security agent cracks the glass. the two are whisked up in the gurney, river on her knees, simon standing beside her holding one of the cables -- i'm not worried. this isn't fear. this is anger. i imagine if it were fear, my eyes would be wider. you're not taking her. she's not going with you. that's final. guests? i earn my passage, captain -- i've earned my passage treating bullet holes, knife wounds, laser burns. and you want to put my sister in the middle of that. she's a seventeen year old girl. a mentally traumatized sevente-- and that's your guiding star, isn't it? what's of use. do you understand what i've gone through to keep river away from the alliance? are you threatening to -- river. she's lying on her side, looking straight at us. a loose summer dress draped over her small frame. now, river, you stay behind the others. if there's fighting you drop to the floor or run away. it's okay to leave them to die. river puts on a huge pair of goggles, looks at her brother. it's amazing. i bring river all the way out to the raggedy edge of the 'verse so she can hide from the alliance by robbing banks. river? you stupid, selfish, son of a whore --- "one simple job! she'll be fine!" never again. you understand me? well sleep easy 'cause we're off your boat. just as soon as river gets her share of the "bounty". kaylee. she turns and heads off. simon starts in the other direction, but river looks after her and the others. no, i fear it's not safe anymore. he's heading off and doesn't hear: eta kooram nah smech! and river drops to the ground, fast asleep. there is a beat. mal looks around the bar. he and simon, who has run up to the entrance, are the only ones standing. he looks down at river. she lies unconscious, helpless. may i see her? safeword. a phrase that's encoded in her brain, that makes her fall asleep. if i speak the words, "eta -- what? they never said what -- i brought her out here so they couldn't get to her, i don't even know how they -- i thought she was getting better. may i see her. mal steps aside. simon enters the locker. i'm sorry. it's okay, it's okay. you said something. when you were triggered, do you remember? the captain saw you say something on the feed. miranda. show us what? who is miranda? no. right. but i think somehow when they triggered you it brought this up, this memory -- i won't. don't say that. not ever. we'll get through this. she reaches out and touches his face, affectionately. well, the captain hasn't tossed us in the airlock, so i'd say we're -- river. what will miranda show us. she thinks. whose death? and she starts laughing. quietly at first, then louder, then almost uncontrollably, screaming in his face: needs to see her why? did he say anything about a "miranda"? we'll get off. river and i'll get off at haven and find some -- it's gonna be oka -- she elbows his throat viciously. he drops to his knees, shocked and gasping, as she spin-kicks him to the ground. he doesn't move. she looks at him a moment, then takes off. you could've asked. are you insane? what's the point of living if you sink to the level of a savage -- kaylee. come this way. come here. don't -- but she looks -- there's no discoloration, nobody's doubled over or showing signs of pain. more than anything, it looks like starvation. river. do we have a plan? it's okay. - just stay low. i'm right here. i never planned. anything. i just wanted to keep river safe. spent so much time on serenity trying to find us a home i never realized i already had. she looks at him with soft surprise. spine's intact -- lie still. i'm gonna give you something to counteract the -- he stands, looking around him. his bag is over by zoe. my bag. need. adrenaline. and a shot of calaphar for kaylee. i can't. river? she is by his side, takes his hand. she has a kind of serenity to her, like she understands something now. i hate to. leave.