i wouldn't give ya a nickle. here we go again. she sure can pick 'em! always the dentist. thanks, mom. you'd probably date him! he's cu-uuute! hey, dad, did you ever see "henry, portrait of a serial killer?" i do great in school, dad. aw, mom! i hate mr. stubbins! is there a killer loose? jeeezzz! let me see! rewind it! let's see it again! the "citizen kane" of gore movies. hi, mom. but mom, the video's not over. mom, mr. stubbins is a nimrod! bye, bird-brain, see ya, scotty. oh mom. looks good, mom! carl's a jerk! i'm so happy i could shit. who? mr. stubbins? that's my math teacher! hello. what happened? it's on! i'll call you back! that's lu-ann hodges! i can't believe mr. stubbins is dead. well. he was an asshole. but he didn't deserve to die! god, mom! what's the matter? you scared me. murdered?!! it's a cool idea, misty! let's make a gore movie about mom! better yet, a tv series! how about mrs. ackerman? we both hate her! should she be the next victim? you know mom, scotty thinks you're the killer! dad! you don't think she did it??! if mom's a psycho, scotty will still be ok, won't he? i'm disappointed she isn't! for a while there, it was like being in a movie! think we'll get on "a current affair"? tell me the truth, mom! it's ok with me, really! are you a serial killer? "serial mom"? wow! we'll show 'em, mom, we'll go on "60 minutes"! you need an agent! in here, mom. get in, mom! i have to open. sorry, ma'am. sure do. did you bring back "ghost dad"? mrs. jensen, i've told you. you have to rewind the tapes before returning them! because it's the rules! you see the sign! it's a dollar fine for not rewinding and this time i'm gonna charge you! $2.99 plus one dollar is $3.99! it's the influence of all those family films. right, mom? hey, mom??. mother? you don't think. what's mrs. jenson's address? that's right up the street! come on! just in case! come on! is mom. in there? well. they sort of deserved it. well, you tell "geraldo" to go to hell! i don't care what jeffrey macdonald's people got - he's old news! we fly first class or we don't do the show! hold on. yeah i am, but you'll have to speak to my agent. that's cool. hey look, you're carl's brother, right? i'm sorry he's dead, but. have you signed off yet? tv, man! farrah fawcett's interested in playing my mother! bring her home. i guess.