leave her alone, chip. i think it's great she has a new beau, beverly. just a little, please. bad for the teeth. look at this! "hillside strangler gets his college degree in prison!" nice?! he should have been executed! i certainly did not. and all that gore better hadn't be interfering with your schoolwork. well, your mother's going to pta today. we'll see what your teacher has to say. who on earth? i'm dr. eugene sutphin. what's the trouble, officer? she lives right down the street. sorry, son. this is a matter for adults. no woman would! hey, i'm late for work. bye, honey. that's birdie. she's a horror nut just like my son. nothing like a home cooked meal, honey. he certainly drives like a jerk. doesn't threaten me, honey. i'm happy. what channel? whoever did it should get the death penalty! i can't stop thinking about that poor teacher. goodnight, honey. don't read late, we've got a big day with the birds tomorrow. goodnight, honey. i just thought with all the sadness. you wouldn't want. it's fine with me, beverly. you want to, honey? you think the kids are asleep? i love that you're my wife. you bring me such peace. shhhh. don't wake the kids. you're hot tonight, honey. but be quiet! shhhh! the kids! ooh, honey, i'm ready! now! now! well, honey, chickadees breed in alaska, you know. no wonder dede's hungry. it's a long trip all the way to baltimore. hello. well, mr. sterner, if you call my office, i'm sure we can see you monday. all right, mrs. sterner. nine o'clock. i'm sorry, honey. but the birds will still be there next week. good morning, detectives. detectives, what is this about? surely you don't think beverly was involved! misty, that's a terrible thing to say! detectives, it's time for you to leave. my wife knows nothing about this terrible . accident. mr. sterner, you've lost a tiny filling. i have to drill deeply enough to remove all the decay. mrs. sterner, please stay in the waiting room! what is it, officers? my patient is waiting. bird books mostly. i'm sure those are my son, chip's books. this is ridiculous!! let's say grace and pray that we have the strength to understand the terrible tragedies of the last few days. both of you! get in the car! your mother may have some problems, that's all, chip. c'mon! hurry! we hope so, son. and no matter what your mother is, we'll love her anyway. home sweet home! everything's fine, kids! just ignore the police. it's all a terrible mistake. beverly! not the sterners! beverly, i've been reading all about it. is it menopause? don't worry, beverly. we're going to get you good psychiatric help. no comment! we are truly sorry and we humbly repent. no comment! please! my wife is missing! i'm worried sick about her! misty sutphin, get in this car!! hold on, kids! beverly is devastated by the charges against her. shhhhh! what should i do? beverly? beverly?