sorry, ma'am. we're investigating obscene phone calls and mail threats to a certain mrs. dottie hinkle. could you take a look at this. i should warn you. this note contains language. christ, that one was beaver cleaver's mother. peter pan! peter pan! peter pan! good morning, mrs. sutphin. contrusions. fractures. rupture of numerous vital organs. did you drive your car to the pta meeting yesterday, mrs. sutphin? "p" as in. like these we found in her garbage? "urge to kill". "mass murder in houston"? "helter skelter", "hunting humans", master card reference number 7876. dated june 5th. dr. sutphin, is you wife mental? say what, ma'am? could you tell a policewoman the exact words she used? sutphin family proceeding west on seminary avenue. beverly ain't goin' nowhere this time. i say we nail her! she may be beaver cleaver's mother. but jim jones and the entire people's temple just fucked her! in beverly sutphin's trash can. "time""newsweek". my wife gets "ladies home journal". goddamn you! that's trespassing! i hope you get the gas chamber!