i do, please. it's sugarless. sorry, mom. thanks. hey, chip, think i could get 50c for vanilla ice. carl can't believe how much i make at swap meets. just a boy. he's picking me up this morning. he's really cute! he goes to college with me! he killed people, mom. you've been working in that video shop too long. hi! bye, detective moore. wow! still in the box! i sure can! oh god, here comes carl! see what birdie gave me to sell at the flea market? yummy. carl says if i lose ten pounds, he'll take me to the university of maryland fall mixer. carl makes me happy and that threatens this family, doesn't it? murdered? she's a pothead! you said you hated him. i'm stoodup! i'll kill that bastard! it's him! hi, detective moore. i got somebody you could run over, mother! nice buns! always something isn't it? can i help you? thanks for not buying anything! there you go. watch the booth! i'll be back! mother! it's carl! he's dead! mother! did you hear me?! someone murdered carl in the mensroom! i saw his dead body! but. i didn't wish. i didn't want him dead! chip! our mother is charles manson! i'm not kidding. carl stood me up this morning and then he was murdered at the flea market. yes murdered! you said you hated your teacher yesterday and he was murdered too. i don't know. maybe mom's nuts! no! stop it! it's not funny. mom might do it! someone else might die. she's gone! she's gonna kill scotty! i do! mom's gone crazy! turn right on timonioum road. hurry, dad! i can't believe i thought my own mother was a murderess! dad, i thought it was ok. make them go away. this is embarrassing. oh god! now i'll never get a boyfriend! hi, hank. get your "serial mom" t-shirts while they last! $19.95 plus tax! master card or visa! thanks, ma'am. signature here and home phone. just be nice to her. and try . just try not to get on her nerves.