beverly? beverly darling? you home? i know you are. beverly, are you alright? it's the least i could do. i heard shouting. yes, i did. it's terrifying! the police were at my house this morning. beverly! beverly! turn on the news! a teacher at your school has been murdered! a mr. stubber. or stubbins. it's on all of them! that's like your car, beverly, violence is everywhere these days oh, it's just beverly. come in, beverly. have some coffee dried ones. aren't they pretty? you could at least apologize, dottie. i collect franklin mint! young man, this faberge egg is chipped. i'll give you fifty cents. eight dollars?! franklin mint or not, it's damaged goods! i'll take this instead. i saw one, but it was ridiculously overpriced! if you wouldn't mind. it was on sale. i went back to get my faberge egg and some idiot bought it! beverly, honey, you've got some. . do-do on your shoe. dottie hinkle was right - it is beverly sutphin! i tell you i saw blood right on the bottom of her shoes! not exactly blood - it was gore! hanging right there like a runny nose!! yes! thirty minutes later it was covered with blood and gore and carl padgett was dead! browsing. i didn't want that faberge egg - it was chipped! no! i could never hurt anyone! yes, but i lent it. yes. but. i didn't. no. i don't have room in my kitchen.