what is it? what's happened? oh, so you've had a vision again! whom did you see? did you really see her? what an imagination you have. perhaps it was the kind of reality you told us about when you saw the devil painting our wagon wheels red, using his tail as a brush. and then you discovered that you had red paint under your nails. you have to keep your visions under control. otherwise people will think that you're a half-wit, which you're not. at least not yet -- as far as i know. but, come to think of it, i'm not so sure about that. if we would only get some rain. everything is burned to cinders. we won't have anything to eat this winter. i want mikael to have a better life than ours. what's that? but that's impossible. you're dreaming again. sing it. i'm very curious. it's a lovely song. i heard it, but i think i'll sleep a little longer. you can sing the rest to me afterwards. jof! sit still. don't move. don't say anything. shh! i love you. look, there he comes in the night my lover, my heart's delight. mikael. oh, he'll soon be two. do you think so? yes, i guess he's rather big. did you think it was bad? you see, jonas skat has run off and left us, so we're in real trouble now. jonas! the other man is my husband. his name is jof. and now there's only him and me. we'll have to start doing tricks again and that's more trouble than it's worth. we certainly do. and jof is a very skillful juggler. jof wants him to be. i don't know. perhaps he'll become a knight. no, you don't look so happy. are you tired? why? do you mean your squire? who do you mean, then? i understand. yes, i understand rather well. i have often wondered why people torture themselves as often as they can. isn't that so? why did you have to go there? and of course you drank. then i suppose you were boasting about the angels and devils you consort with. people don't like someone who has too many ideas and fantasies. you were, of course, busy singing and dancing. you can never stop being an actor. people also become angry at that, and you know it. you couldn't afford it. why didn't you beat them back? were they frightened? do you notice how good he smells? yes, this is my husband, jof. i picked a basket of wild strawberries this afternoon. and we have a drop of milk fresh from a cow . please be seated and i'll bring the food. these are wild strawberries from the forest. i have never seen such large ones. they grow up there on the hillside. notice how they smell! it might be wise to have company going through the forest. it's said to be full of trolls and ghosts and bandits. that's what i've heard. after all, i have become director of the whole company. do you want some strawberries? oh, how nice this is. nearly always. one day is like another. there is nothing strange about that. the summer, of course, is better than the winter, because in summer you don't have to be cold. but spring is best of all. not now, jof. our guests may not be amused by your songs. it's always better when one is two. have you no one of your own? and what is she doing now? you look so solemn. was she your beloved? do you want some more strawberries? i don't understand what you mean. now you don't look so solemn. i don't like the moon tonight. yes, what is it? what do you see? yes, i can see that too and i don't think it's so terrible. he is alone. you mustn't frighten me this way. who is it, then? you mustn't say that. one can't do that. what a strange light. no, it's something else. something terrible. do you hear the roar in the forest? no, it isn't rain. he has seen us and he's following us. he has overtaken us; he's coming towards us. i'm so afraid. i'm so afraid. do you feel how cold it is? i'm freezing. i'm terribly cold. You with your visions and dreams.