i only get one today? gee, how exciting. don't give me this passive. aggressive bullshit. if you want to leave, leave. my life doesn't stop when you walk out the door, you know what i'm saying? meaning we'll have to cool it for awhile, right? why? i can handle it. besides, the money is good and some of the guys are cute. and you are in no position to be jealous. i did. you know, i'd like to try your house sometime. the idea of doing it in my sister's bed gives me a perverse thrill. i wish i could tell everybody that ann's a lousy lay. beautiful, popular, ann bishop millaney. well, maybe i could just start a rumor, then. afraid of getting caught? you should be. can i meet this friend of yours? i'm intrigued. sure. maybe he's the man i'm looking for. then i won't have to fuck worried husbands all the time. hello. you are scum. i'll be there. john? ain't you a picture. so where's he from? must be nice. so, what's he like, is he like john? is he? strange, i mean? uh-huh. so what's he look like? i just want to know what he looks like, is all. jesus, ann, get a life. i just asked what he looked like. besides, even if i decided to fuck his brains out, what business is that of yours? what? i say it because it's descriptive. ann, you always underestimate me. i think you're afraid to put the two of us in the same room together. i think you're afraid he'll be undeniably drawn to me. "my type"? what is this bullshit? how would you know what "my type" is? ann, you don't have a clue. look, i don't even know why we're discussing this, i'll just call him myself. well, i'll call him when he does. what are you talking about? oh, please. okay,' so give me the zen master's address, i'll think of a reason to stop by. why? just give me the address, you won't even have to be involved. and what? that goddam diamond stud earring that cost me a fucking fortune. i don't know, i'll get her a card or something. what's wrong with that? will you stop? jesus. okay, ann, okay. how about this: you buy her something nice, and i'll pay for half. all right? good. now, if you'll pardon me, i have to go to work. what do you mean he doesn't want me to come over? did you tell him about me? why not? well, why? what the hell happened over there? did he make a pass at you? then what's the story, what's this "strange" bullshit all of a sudden? is he drowning puppies, or what? well, what? is he dangerous? well, what, then? then why'd you call me? hello. not today. i've got other plans. how about inviting me over to dinner? yeah, i know what you mean. i'm cynthia bishop. i'm ann millaney's sister. she must have been in a good mood when she said that. she usually calls me loud. you want me to leave? well, like i said, ann is my sister. sisters talk. you can imagine the rest. she still is. nope. nope. nope. i, uh, know a guy at the power company. well, i don't really listen to her when it comes to men. i mean, look at john, for crissake. oh, you went to school with him didn't you? you're probably friends or something. i think you're right. so come on, i came all the way over here to find out what got ann so spooked, tell me what happened. oh, okay. i think i get it. well, they must be something sexual, because ann gets freaked out by that shit. are these tapes of you having sex with these girls or something? well, either you are or you aren't. which is it? doing what? about what? what makes you think i'd discuss that with you? you just want to ask me questions? and that's all? is this how you get off or something? taping women talking about their sexual experiences? would anybody else see the tape? how do we start? and you ask questions, right? how long will it take? can i see some of the other tapes to get an idea of what-- do i sit or stand? i'd rather sit. are you ready? cynthia patrice bishop. my first sexual experience or the first time i had intercourse? i was. eight years old. michael green, who was also eight, asked if he could watch me take a pee. i said he could if i could watch him take one, too. he said okay, and then we went into the woods behind our house. i got this feeling he was chickening out because he kept saying, "ladies first!" so i pulled down my underpants and urinated, and he ran away before i even finished. no. he kind of avoided me for the rest of the summer, and then his family moved away. to cleveland, actually. when i was fourteen. very much live. not really. i didn't picture it with veins or ridges or anything, i thought it would be smooth, like a test tube. no. if anything, after i looked at it awhile, it got more interesting. it had character, you know? it was warmer than i thought it would be, and the skin was softer than it looked. it's weird. thinking about it now, the organ itself seemed like a separate thing, a separate entity to me. i mean, after he pulled it out and i could look at it and touch it, i completely forgot that there was a guy attached to it. i remember literally being startled when the guy spoke to me. he said that my hand felt good. then i started moving my hand, and then he stopped talking. i want to see you. right now. then get those balls in the air and get your butt over here. would you like me to take my pants off? do you like the way i look? do you think i'm pretty? prettier than ann? john doesn't have sex with ann anymore. he doesn't have to tell me. yes. you can go now. he just asked me questions. questions about sex. well, like, i don't want to tell you, exactly. apparently. yes, i did. what!? because i wanted to. i wanted him to see me. he wouldn't do that. well, it's too late now, isn't it? no, but i did. in front of him, ann, yes. listen to you!! you sound like mom. what are you talking about? why? you couldn't do it, period. i feel like i do. he's harmless. he just sits around and looks at these tapes. what's the big deal? no. i don't think they all did what i did. ann, i don't understand why this freaks you out so much. you didn't do it, i did, and if it doesn't bother me, why should it bother you? then why do you keep asking about it? it's great. pardon me. what is it? it looks like a tablecloth. yeah, and when i do, i won't be wearing sun dresses. hold on. hello. well, this is timely. your wife is here, would you like to speak to her? i don't know. i'm not sure i can duplicate the level of intensity i had the other day. i don't think my sister would agree. look, i'll call you, okay? so what's my share of the dress? look, don't worry about the dress, i'm sure she'll love it. hi. look, i'm just going to come right out and tell you why i'm here, okay? i'd like to make another tape. no? not even one more? i can't talk you into it? now who the hell is going to do that for me? but i want you to do it, i want somebody who will ask the right questions and everything, somebody i can play to and feel safe because you can't do anything. so make an exception. how about if you record over the one we already made? you could have the same date and not use another tape. who would know? well, what the hell am i supposed to do? i can't believe you're doing this after i let you tape me. goddamit, give me my tape, then. it's my fucking tape, you asshole-- sure, okay. what's so stupid about it? well, you know him, he's a friend of yours, do you think he can be trusted? i like the way he dresses. "the wrong hands"? we're not talking about military secrets, john. they're just tapes that he makes so he can sit around and get off. right. doesn't work. he has to know the people, he has to be able to interact with them. i felt like it, so what? goddam, you and ann make such a big deal out of it. of course. she is my sister. i tell her almost everything. why not? she's a grown-up, she can handle it. hung up. no. it won't. i trust him. yeah, i do. a helluva lot more than i trust you. exactly what i said. i'd trust him before i'd trust you. how much clearer can i be? oh, please. come on, john. you're fucking your wife's sister and you hardly been married a year. you're a liar. but at least i know you're a liar. it's the people that don't know, like ann, that have to watch out. that's right. but i never took a vow in front of god and everybody to be "faithful" to my sister. actually, no, i've changed my mind. i shouldn't have called. how about straightening up the living room? come on, john. you should be happy, we've gone this far without ann finding out, i'm making it real easy on you. just walk out of here and i'll see you at your house for a family dinner sometime. who? no, he didn't put me up to this. jesus, i don't need people to tell me what i should do. i've just been thinking about things, that's all. if he had been under your prick you'd have spotted him for sure. i know. will you please leave now? john, we have nothing to talk about. no, john, things are getting real simple. excuse me. thank you. can i call you? no. okay. bye. do me a favor. don't come in here anymore.