yes, i remember. what do you do when these moods overtake you? no, i didn't. do you have any idea what triggered this concern? ann, do you see a pattern here? well, last week we talked about your obsession with the families of airline fatalities, and now we're talking about your concern over the garbage problem. if you think about it, i think you'll see that the object of your obsession is invariably something negative that you couldn't possibly have any control over. are you still keeping these thoughts from john? are you afraid of his reaction? of his finding you silly for thinking of such things? what upsets you about that? but he asked you to quit your job, and you do have housework. this unexpected visit notwithstanding, how are things with john? when did you begin having this feeling? prior to this feeling, were you comfortable having physical contact with him? perhaps he senses your hesitance at being touched. did you do anything? did you masturbate? i take it you've never masturbated? so it was recently that you tried this. radon leakage? no, i haven't. did you confront john about the visitor? the friend of john's that was staying at your house. is he still at your house? did you find him attractive? let me rephrase. were you attracted to him? what brought this on? i thought that's what i did. who was it that you talked to? ann, in life one has to be aware of hidden agendas. did it occur to you that graham may have his own reasons for not wanting you to be in therapy? it's possible that graham has hidden motives for disliking therapy and. or therapists. perhaps he has problems of his own that he is unwilling to deal with, and he would like to see other people, you for instance, wallow in their situation just as he does. do you think that's possible? you understand that you are free to leave therapy at any time? that you are under no obligation to me? do you want to leave therapy? do you feel there is more progress to be made? i'm glad you feel that way, because i feel that way, too. if you won't talk to me, i can't help you. why? there are many things that can exert control over one's life, good and bad. religion, greed, philanthropy, drugs.