it's true, i'm telling you. as soon as you've got a ring on your finger, you start getting serious attention from the opposite gender. seriously, i wish i had super bowl seats for every time i had some filly just come up and start talking to me without the slightest provocation. that never happened before i got married. shit, if i'd known that, i'd have gone out and bought me a ring when i was eighteen and saved myself a lot of time and money. shit, i gotta be someplace. look, racquetball thursday? you're the coolest. uh, janet, re-schedule kirkland. tell him to come in friday at 1:30. i've got to get back to the office. i can't let my lunch hour go on too long. i've already skipped one meeting. why don't you just tell me how you really feel? i have a friend coming in from out of town, i'll probably be spending some time with him the next couple of days. right. i wish you'd quit that bartending job. i hate the thought of guys hitting on you all the time. who said i was jealous? could be risky. no, i mean doing it at my house. maybe. cynthia, i don't think you want to, i mean, you should see the way he dresses. i really think he's in a bad way. you're intrigued? bye. call the cops. that's the first thing that ran through my mind when i saw you. i thought this is not the same man that rode the unicycle naked through the homecoming parade. what do you think the greeks would make of that outfit you're wearing? yeah, it's not bad. usually ann has some serious salt action going. i keep telling her, you can always add more if you want, but you can't take it out. you were prying before? really. how'd it go? are you going to see elizabeth while you re here? girl graham dated. still lives here, far as i know. stay away from the garden district. serious crime. i don't know what kind of place you're looking for, but there are a lot of studio-type apartments available elsewhere. what do you mean? get rid of the car when you get your apartment, then you'll still have one key. especially if you want to leave someplace in a hurry. do you pay taxes? hey, ann, why don't you go with graham to hunt for apartments? show him how the city has changed. cynthia. john. meet me at my house in exactly one hour. in here!! cynthia. john. oh. well, when, then? you know what i mean. john millaney. when? jesus, i don't know if i can get away. i've got a client waiting. i'd have to do some heavy duty juggling. janet, re-schedule kirkland, see if he can come in friday. smooth things out, tell him an emergency came up. i'll slip out the back. jesus christ. you are on fire today. cynthia. john. she's there? what's she doing there? oh. when can i see you? nothing wrong with trying. do you want me to stop calling? mmmmm. tuesday. i had a late lunch. yes. i just got busy. then maybe i saw an old message. there are a lot of them on my desk, you know. i ate by myself. something wrong? jesus christ, where'd that come from? i have a late lunch by myself and now i'm fucking somebody? no, i'm not. frankly, i'm offended at the accusation. there's nothing to know, ann. ann, you are completely paranoid. not ten minutes ago i wanted to make love for the first time in weeks, and you act like i'm dipped in shit. you know, i think there are a lot of women that would be glad to have a young, straight male making a pretty good living beside them in bed with a hard on. for god's sake, ann, i am not fucking your sister. i don't find her that attractive, for one. i was just saying, you know? i didn't get paranoid when you didn't want to make love. i could have easily assumed that you didn't want to because you were having an affair. i'm not either!! look, this conversation is utterly ridiculous. maybe when you have some evidence, we should talk, but don't give me conjecture and intuition. goddam right. i mean, can you imagine: "your honor, i'm positive this man is guilty. i can't place him at the scene or establish a motive, but i have this really strong feeling." i'm sorry. it's just. i'm under a lot of pressure with this kirkland thing, it's my first big case as junior partner, and i work all day, i come home, i look forward to seeing you, and. it hurts that you accuse me like that. i don't, either. i mean, cynthia, of all people. she's so. yeah. jeez, give me some credit. isn't therapy helping at all? quitting your therapy won't feed the children of ethiopia. it's just so blatantly stupid, i have a hard time believing you did it. that you. you don't even know the guy. shit, after what you've told me, i don't know. i should've known, when he showed up dressed like some arty brat. what if this tape gets into the wrong hands? jesus christ. and he doesn't have sex with any of them? they just talk? jesus. i could almost understand it if he was screwing these people, almost. why doesn't he just buy some magazines or porno movies or something? interact, fine, but did you have to masturbate in front of him, for god's sake? i mean. you told ann about this? i wish you hadn't done that. it's just something i'd prefer she didn't know about. i just. ann is very. it just wasn't a smart thing to do. did you sign any sort of paper, or did he have any contract with you saying he wouldn't broadcast these tapes? you realize you have no recourse legally? this stuff could show up anywhere. you trust him. what do you mean? it hurts that you would say that to me. by definition you're lying to ann, too. look, are we going to do it or not? well, i'm here now. i'd like to do something. did he put you up to this? graham. i can't believe i let him stay in my house. right under my nose. that deviant fucker was right under my nose and i didn't see him. god, you. you're mean. maybe i don't want to leave. maybe i want to talk. i knew it, i knew it. things are getting complicated. jesus christ! what the hell happened? i came home and your car was gone, the door was open, i thought for sure you'd been abducted by some mad fucker, i was literally just calling the cops when you walked in. what happened? what? why? ann, honey, please, tell me what's wrong. don't just say you want out and leave me wondering. you can't just go without telling me why. where did you go when you left here? goddammit, goddammit!! that son of a bitch!! well, at least i know you didn't fuck him. you're leaving me for him, aren't you? well, that makes a sad sort of sense. he can't, and you won't. did you make one of those goddam tapes? answer me, godammit!! did you make one of those tapes? where are the tapes, graham? you know which tapes! where are they? so is my wife, asshole!! what the hell do you think? i love ann. you think i'm going to tell her about cynthia and hurt her feelings like that? i need help? whose sitting by himself in a room choking his chauncey to a bunch of videotapes, graham? not me, buddy. you're the fucking nut. now show me those tapes. i'm not kidding, graham, you'd better do what i say. give me those tapes. graham, i swear to christ i'll kill your scrawny ass. now give me those tapes. give me your keys. your keys, asshole!! your two fucking keys!! give them to me!! goddam right. bastard. you son of a bitch!! goddamit. answer him, goddammit!! shut up!!! you bitch. i knew it. god damn you!! i never told you this, because i thought it would crush you, but now i could give a shit. i fucked elizabeth. before you broke up. before you were having trouble, even. so you can stop making her into a saint. she was good in bed and she could keep a secret. and that's about all i can say about her. man, not having to answer to anybody. i feel like this huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. i mean, come on, if i decide that i'd rather live alone, what's so bad about that? it's not like i've decided to live a life of crime, right? it's just how i feel, you can't help the way you feel, you just have to be honest about it. brian kirkland, please. john millaney. anyway, i've always said, the work is the thing. i can be happy without a marriage, but take away my work, that's different. and if ann can't handle that, that's her problem, like we re all alone in this world, you know what i'm saying? i mean, fuck. jesus, what's takin' this guy? yeah. okay, in a minute, i'm on with a client. all right, jesus. yes? thank you. i. there is no message. thank you.