seventy five sounds better. "a small, wedding of seventy five guests." cut throat -- i love it. i hope you're that decisive when it comes to the location and the dress. this is going to be good! well, who's it by? the label? "the bride wore a dress by no one." the invitation is fancier than the dress. now there's a bride! flowers! get off the dress! what? not now. dress emergency. damage? what's the damage? can't see anything behind this friggin' table. go, go -- everyone out into the hall. you're a queen -- you should know how to step around a gown. go -- out in the hall, your highness. we have a problem. no, a real problem. they're not here. both of them? the groom. a woman just put a glass down on your new desk without a coaster. i told her if she did it again i'd break her arm.