it sounds perfect. new york magazine said brooklyn is the new manhattan. don't you ever get weirded out by seeing smith in bed with all those other women? that's not fair. i thought this auction would be more fun. but it's kinda sad. sorry! i'm sorry. but my friend here, just got engaged and she's been going out with the man for ten years. 74, 75, 76. seventy-six guests. what?! when? i'm so excited! no, it's pretty but it's so -- simple. miranda -- please. no, we can talk, let's just not use that word. i know, but she's repeating everything. thank-you. see. every couple is different. harry and i -- make love two or three times a week. what about you and big, carrie? come on, i told. "the ultimate single gal carrie bradshaw will be married in manolos to new york financier john james preston come fall." "proving to single gals everywhere that there can be a happy ending over forty." well, i guess with the right man. it's a sign. pink post-it -- take. purple -- toss. yellow: storage. samantha! oh my god! steve -- i can't believe it. thank-you for being you. i always knew she would marry big. yes i did! after every break-up i secretly thought: nope. they belong together. yep. get some sleep, groomie! behind you. but we're twenty-five minutes late. no! you'll stay here. maybe you should eat something. anyone hungry? you have your honeymoon stuff here. what do you mean? no, no, no. big has been weird about marriage for years. no, no. this is a really bad time to even mention it - no, no, no. find another time. later. in the powder room. carrie, it's dinner time. you slept the whole day. it's the only thing in the pantry that's totally safe. see. made in poughkeepsie. i don't want to chance it. it's mexico. carrie! what are you talking about? really? no, i'm not drinking. just bottled water. you love him. because he knew how much you loved it. you could look at it and see a man who loves you and wants you to be happy. another? it was beautiful. i don't want to know this. thank god. don't go all the way in -- there may be sharks! i'm going for a run and then to the gym for pilates. anyone want to -- shut up, shut up, shut up. thanks for watching her while i went to the doctor. i'm pregnant. my doctor said sometimes when women stop trying -- it can happen. she knows other couples that adopt and then get pregnant. carrie -- i'm pregnant! i saw it. the pictures are gorgeous. look, the people who don't know -- will only see the beautiful pictures. the people who do know will only see what an asshole he is. mommy said a bad word. or -- we also brought mulan. would you like to go trick or treating with us? just in our building -- if you feel up to it. um. no. i know. i don't feel like running! i think it's so great that you are re-doing your entire apartment. why'd he do that? there is nothing to be concerned about. no, she said because i'm already a runner -- it's fine. i'm afraid something bad will happen. it's a miracle that i'm even pregnant. it's not rational, carrie. it's irrational. i know that. i've got everything i ever wanted. i'm so happy -- i'm terrified. no one gets everything they want. look at you. look at miranda. you're such good people and look what happened to you. of course, something bad is going to happen to me. you've been doing it for five years. we're in the front row?! decide where we want to go for lunch -- i'll make the call. it's like old times. you really can't forgive him? i like steve. i've always liked steve -- he's apologized a hundred times -- he's not seeing anyone else. what's it going to take? no. i could kill big. sometimes when i'm running -- i imagine what i'd say if i ever saw him again. i have the perfect opening sentence. want to hear it? i curse the day you were born. carrie, wait. are you sure? i know how much you were looking forward to this. you're not. no -- but if you leave right now -- it will effect the rest of your day. it's fashion week. we're in the front row. who cares about them -- you only came for the clothes. i know it's hard but -- it's like you said: you can't stop being who you are. samantha! you have a -- dog! she never mentioned it on the phone? should we even bring it up? i'm proud of you for not cheating. every day. not all day -- everyday -- but everyday. next week. oh, thank-you. no, i'm sorry -- i can't stay -- help me -- pull out the table. i can't -- i don't want to see you. i'm so mad at you. i was always on your side and then you did that to carrie -- no, no -- i'm not going to cry -- i'm not going to waste tears on you -- i curse the day you were born! i think my water just broke. oh my god -- taxi! i don't want to get in your car -- i hate your car. taxi! say hello to rose. after harry's "bubbie." my water broke in front of a restaurant. it broke while i was talking to big. i bumped into him and i got so upset i started crying and then - my water broke. i think he was hoping to see you. mazel tov! hmmm. this is delicious.