no costume? you going for your run? you didn't go yesterday either. why is that? okay. welcome to the house of hormones. it's my lot in life to be surrounded by beautiful women. now, we got a lily and a rose. oh -- there was plenty of drama. wait -- she's not done. see. drama. he brought her to the hospital. stayed until the baby was born. he asked me to ask you to call him. i know! it's none of my business. but i felt bad for the poor schmuck hanging around the hospital waiting room hoping to see you. i swear every time he heard someone in heels coming down the hall -- his heart stopped. i know it is -- and you have every right to never call him -- but i'm just a big pile of love today --and i feel bad for the guy. he said he's been writing you -- but you never responded. he said he wrote because he didn't have your phone number. then, why would he say that he had?