that's right. louise from st. louis. no, but i'm the oldest of six kids, so i can pretty much handle anything you got. crowded. i had to move to new york just to get some room. and where'd i wind up? a one bedroom apartment with three roommates. to fall in love. what? that's corny, right? it's rented. "bag, borrow or steal." it's like netflix for purses. girl, stick with me, i'll hook you up. carrie bradshaw. this is louise. anne from the new york observer. i'll let her know you called. carrie bradshaw's web page is a mess. one thing at a time. are you ever going to answer these emails? when? okay -- i'll read -- you tell me what to do. vitaminsforless. delete. right? who's oh, shit -- that's him, right? you sure you want to end all communication with him? oh my lord. i did not even recognize you. i'm really feeling that look on you. mine till tuesday. here -- time to re-join the world. your new number. area code: 347 -- no longer available. now, you're do you want me to get rid of it? do you miss him? yeah. i know how you feel `cause, my college boyfriend broke up with me last year. and i miss him all the time. and it threw me so hard `cause, you know, i thought will -- that's his name. was the love of my life. he said he loved me and all -- but didn't think i was "the one". and that hurt. but -- you know -- whatever. i'm not going to give up on love. love is the thing, you know. see that. i'm bringing it to me all day long. someone i just met. he wants me to meet him for a drink. no, it's not like that. he just got off work -- he's a waiter. but it's not a bootie call if he meets me. right? you sure you don't want me to rsvp to some of these holiday parties? merry christmas. it's just something silly. you said you never saw it -- so. no! that is not what i think it is. oh my lord. oh my -- look who's home from the big city! i have two pieces of good news. i just got a heads-up from your realtor. the apartment on fifth finally sold. you have sixty days before the new owner takes possession and you are out of there. i'm moving back to st. louis -- we are getting married in the fall. and i put all the unopened mail from your p.o. box in the manila envelopes on the bottom shelf there. and please -- please do not make a mess of -- it's my masterpiece. you'll find some other girl. but she won't have my style. and you gave me louise vuitton. serious. we need to stop cryin'. your keys. no, i found my love. i'm leaving that with you. see you at my wedding. i didn't hear my phone. we are shopping for my wedding gown. momma -- can you please -- this is a work call. well, i was going to call you anyway -- today is the final day on the fifth avenue apartment. you have till six before they change the locks. and do you not want those never- worn shoes? `cause if you don't -- send them on to me. i'll squeeze my feet into them. hello? there are never been worn four hundred dollar shoes!