so, he bought it -- and you're going to live there with him? but he'll own it. so. you are keeping your own place, right? i just want to make sure you're being smart here -- fine. i'm jealous. you're in real estate heaven and i'm in brooklyn. whoever wrote that - lives in brooklyn. hey -- what's coming up on smith's series? is he going to sleep with that new blonde neurosurgeon? great. can't wait. kinda like steve and i. i'm kidding. but come one-- it's been seven years. he does that, i do this. it's not like a new plot twist is going to turn up. she's bidding for someone on the phone. and i'm deaf. there is literally a ringing in my ear. where is he with the check? i still have a legal brief to work on when i get home. what? i'm sorry. i'm exhausted. brady woke me up at five am. it's like you're always criticizing me. yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. it's late. let's just get it over with. i mean -- we have to get up in four and half hours. steve. we have sex. how often do you guys have sex? what? she's three, she doesn't know what it means. i'm forty- two and i still don't know what it means. fine. how often do you guys. steve and i were "coloring" last night and just as i was about to -- he wanted to change positions and i said. "let's just get it over with." well, he kept trying to make it last longer. it is when you have a full-time job. well, you don't also have a five year old and play groups and pta and a mother-in-law in a rest home with advancing alzheimer's. i'm telling you, at the end of the day all i want to do is sleep. the most exciting thing in bed now -- is the bed. we're just going through a no coloring phase -- it comes and goes, right? great. now i feel worse. six months ago. but that's a dry spell. well, this was very helpful. i can't believe it sold so fast. oh, you know me -- i'm your daughter-in-law. i'm miranda. while i run over to see your mother tomorrow maybe you can take him to the first birthday party alone. then -- i'll meet you at the twins' party and you can leave and be at the bar by six. what's the matter? steve. it's killing you?! do not follow me. surprise -- here we are! we are too. aren't we b-boy? here. mommy has to go to the bathroom. apparently you don't have sex for six months he runs out and has it with some girl at his bar. steve. when i think of everything i've done for him. and this is how he repays me. man, if i didn't have brady, i would never go back there. is it? yes, it's sad, but i'm not going to make it any sadder by staying at a bad hotel while i look for a place. pass the salt. plus, i have to be downtown and close to brooklyn. we're going to keep things as normal for brady as we can. i'll pick him up on my days. take him over on steve's. says he's devastated -- begs me to forgive him. not going to happen. i can barely even look at him. well, even if i could get my head around that justification -- it's the cheating part -- the behind my back part. the violation of the trust -- that's the thing that's killing me. besides. women who stay with men who cheat are women who are afraid to be on their own. and that's not me -- i can handle it. always could. i don't know if steve's mentioned anything to you yet -- about us. has he? well -- we've had some marriage problems -- it's not necessary to go into the details but -- i just wanted you to know that we won't be coming to see you together anymore. i'll be here monday, wednesday and sunday -- the other days will be steve. hi. i haven't talked to you all night. could you give us -- what could you possibly have to say that could make it better? you broke us! you broke us. what we had is broken! i changed who i was for you. no, i'm not alright. you two are crazy to get married. marriage ruins everything. after the fifteenth? is that a rip? traffic was the worst -- i did something really bad -- i think. i said something to big. at the rehearsal dinner. it was right after steve showed up. i was upset. big came up to me -- and i said something like: you're crazy to get married. it just came out. do you think it was totally the reason? i keep thinking i should tell carrie. what? i can't go to mexico. i have a job. oh my god! no more honeymoon stuff. this is very important. have i made myself clear? magda -- i'll talk to you tomorrow morning. it's a five-star resort. the sun feels nice. -- what? i didn't know i was going to be in a swimsuit. i forgot to get a wax. i've had other things on my mind. well, when you're married, samantha -- you have a different set of priorities. so what -- it's my fault?! i let the sex go out of our marriage! i deserve what i got. thanks for understanding. i'm fine! don't look to your -- charlotte had pudding in her prada. yes. when something is really, really funny. no, that's marriage. no-- i think we're on their honeymoon. it's all so hot -- three days in. was that what that was? i thought it was just feathers. and good guys do bad things. the good guys screw you and the bad guys screw you. and that was all steve had -- didn't have money -- didn't have a career. he was the good guy bartender with a big dick. nine. like -- nine and change. good news. just got an e mail from your buyer's attorney -- they have agreed to sell you back your old apartment at that escalated price. and "are willing to vacate by the time you return -- pending an additional financial offer." did you -- no, i can't be more patient. your agency has had three weeks to find me an apartment. no -- i told you. it has to be in manhattan. because it does. how hard could it be to find something just on the other side of the brooklyn bridge? on second thought -- forget it. i could do a better job myself. according to new york magazine, this is the new up-and-coming neighborhood. see! wherever he's going is where we need to be. coming or going? going. oh boy. lets go. hi. i'm interested in the apartment. i understand but -- who would i talk to about it? lovro. -- and i have no idea. ku. no way. no way -- you dated? he's single? all the parents at brady's school dress up -- it's fun! fun thought up by a group of non-working mothers with nothing else to do all day. witch and -- "sexy kitten". that's it? the only two choices for women. witch and sexy kitten. maybe i should just wear this and a business suit and go as myself. what were you expecting? steve is all about "i'm sorry." i'm sorry emails -- i'm sorry voice mails -- i'm sorry flowers -- i'm sorry cards. how about: don't do anything to be: " i'm sorry" for. maybe big is too. carrie -- there's a detail i've been meaning to tell you about -- you look great, you look amazing. so. that's the worst of it. "editor's note: the wedding of carrie bradshaw and john james preston was cancelled as this issue went to press. carrie bradshaw is. and what are you gonna say at midnight? that's right -- but you gotta say it more excited than that -- "happy new year!" you say that and then. you kiss. did you pack the new batman santa brought you? it's there near the tree. we're all kinda staying in tonight. no, thank you. there he is. batman. happy new year. see you tomorrow. i thought one of the perks of having a family is you don't have to spend new year's eve alone with chinese food. i'm alone with chinese food. oh, shit -- i'm sorry. it's steve's night. go back to sleep -- don't wake up. i'm fine -- i was just getting a little choked-up watching the stupid new year's eve stuff on tv alone. i'm all the way downtown -- on new year's eve? no way. i'm fine. really. i just wanted to talk a little. go back to sleep. good night. -- in your four billion dollar beach house. there's mayor bloomberg. i believe that was his last campaign slogan. so, this is how you all spent your saturdays while i was with brady and steve at the brooklyn aquarium. just so you know -- we always had front row at the mammal show. steve does the funniest dolphin impression. actually, it's more -- steve as a dolphin -- are you suggesting something? and are you also suggesting that she forgive big? should i -- is it me or is valentine's day this year on steroids? i could do a lot worse. why would you look at the vogue today of all days? it was from your point of view. you can't put this all on yourself. okay. i said something i shouldn't have said to big at the rehearsal dinner. i was really upset after steve showed up and i bumped into big and -- i said that you two were crazy to get married. stop -- it's fine -- thanks. i'm sorry, i was upset-- steve had-- i tried to tell you once but the vogue article came out -- i know, i was looking for the right time. it just happened -- i wasn't thinking. carrie, please -- don't go -- i -- it's me. pick up. are you there? carrie. hi. i need to talk to you. seventeen dollars long. please get in. it just turned to eighteen. carrie, i understand -- but it just happened -- i never meant to hurt you. you have to forgive me. what? please. what were you going to say? it's not the same thing. i don't know if i can trust that it won't happen again. me?! so, we're done with our last session and we're not allowed to talk for two weeks while we figure out if being together again is something we really want. and then - - we had to pick a place to meet -- and if we both show up on that day - - the past no longer exists. showing up is the promise we make to each other that we're willing to let it all go and move forward. i don't know. i have a lot of thinking to do. what do you mean? well, then -- i'm screwed. i don't know what i feel. and i thought picking the place to meet was a challenge. the brooklyn bridge. halfway between both our places. poetic -- if we both show up. otherwise -- you're on a bridge -- rejected. not a good plan. kiss me. we're on the list. miranda hobbes plus one. and a half. where's samantha? her plane landed two hours ago. there's a rat in your purse. so, she has a belly. so what? what -- like a fat intervention? "we love you -- have a salad?" no. we should let her bring it up. what exactly are you eating? when was the last time you felt happy? why did we ever stop drinking these?