they keep telling me i'm doing fine, that i'm even improving. why do they have to lie? at my age? what are they trying to protect me from? like hell. what? one in the morning with coffee. one at night with cocktails. where was i? your story, that's the one i want to hear. hmm. the last time there was talk of an admirer. the world is made of dirt, sarah. so, please, dish. no detail is too small. hmm. continue. like vitamins. in other words. he excites you. can you see your pappy? good. keep an eye on him. because i'm going to tell you something he shouldn't hear. something no one knows. once, i had two lovers. one was your grandfather. he had prospects, then. he had a car and we drove everywhere and people would look at us and say, "now, there goes a couple." he never pushed me. he told me he respected my virginity. and i liked that. the other man -- he was a boy, really -- he had no prospects. and he had no car. and he had no respect. for anything. he certainly had no respect for my virginity. and i liked that, too. but i had to make a choice. i chose your grandfather. the day before the wedding, i went to let the other boy down. met him by a river where we used to swim. well, one thing led to another, and when i returned home that night, i'd left my virginity back in the tall grass by that river. but i did bring something back. a bite mark. that sonuvabitch left on my neck, the size of a peach pit. he did and he didn't. on the wedding night -- in this house -- i managed to squeak by. it was dark. we were shy. he took me in his arms and said, "i'm glad you waited for me." in other words, i lost my virginity twice in the same week. it's an accomplishment. but the next morning, your pappy saw it. he demanded an explanation. and, sarah, do you know how i got out of that pickle? damn right. i said, "what, you don't remember giving me this?" he said, "no." and i said, "well, you were so fired up last night, it's a wonder you can remember anything." what? come clean with your pappy? why should i tell him? he had nothing to do with it. it's mine. not his. never saw him again. i don't regret a thing, if that's what you're wondering. look what i have. i have you.