unbelievable. i'm reading a stupid article in a stupid magazine. she's breaking up with her husband of twenty years. said a friend, "her show's in syndication, she's thin, she's rich and she wants to play." josh dries his hands. it's comforting, reading about these broken marriages. it's not enough for our marriage to succeed. everyone else's must fail. what? no. there's no need to talk, because there's no problem. you don't have to apologize. there's nothing wrong with the slump we're going through. in fact, it's a good thing. too much passion can ruin a marriage. look at eric and sylvia. at the beginning, you couldn't pry them apart. they were joined at the genitals. and, then. total burn-out. a marriage cannot sustain that kind of intensity. it's good for people to grow bored with each other. that way, they can meet and fall in love again. in case you hadn't noticed. i'm trying to seduce you. you're welcome to reciprocate. it's alright. rub my feet. i think we should have an affair. with each other. you pick me up at a bar. when i met you, you were a college boy. alright. bad example. i love you, too. who said there was a problem? your lovely assistant is here. sarah, you look great. you've been keeping my boy on his best behavior? i know he asks to go above and beyond the call of duty. josh, i'm trying to thank sarah for all the extra attention she gives you. we should really have you over for dinner, sarah. it's been too long. you can bring. sorry. i'm hopeless when it comes to names. hey, i'm still working on the first, thank you. you two seem to fit. it only took me a few days to know with josh. in fact, i knew after the first date. that he was the one for me. well, it was the cheapest date i've ever been on. do you know the chinese place on third? that little hole-in-the-wall? really? i think our first dinner cost a grand total of ten dollars. it was a momentous night. babe, we should really go back there. you missed the on-ramp. why? we don't have to do this tonight. we can't go in here. everything's different. sarah's a very interesting girl. did you know she's training for the marathon? what do you want to talk about, then? you're supposed to wait-- hmm. that's what i've heard. no. you open it. blank. in bed. that's disappointing. what? my name is gail. gail bonds. hmm. on one condition. that you tell me your name. is it true what they say, bill, about billionaires? that all the wealth is just a way to compensate. for size? i can imagine. it must be so lonely at the top. what are you doing? we're not in a bed. color. that's the problem with this room, it needs color. think of. the vibrant colors of haiti. alright. i didn't say anything. no, i'm sure. i'm sure he's sleeping with her. what? you think i should just forget about it? mother, don't you think honesty is essential in a marriage? why did i invite you over? you make me feel like shit. the machine can get it. wow. college. if josh isn't home, i'll watch it. what? you're insane. you're an insane mother. did it occur to you that maybe he just wants to have coffee? he's stammering. he's nervous. he's calling out of the blue! yes? about what? oh. i'm glad you think so. one. then. two. i'd like to pay in cash. two, please. i'm surprised they weren't all over you. what did they say? see? those women are happy you're not doing shakespeare. i don't think i'm malibu nights material. you look like you enjoy kissing them. hmm. someone else in particular? if she's as tan as you, i don't want to hear about it. well. let's start with the man, upper left. okay. and the boy? and when did you? no. but fifteen years ago. that was right after-- was i the last woman? was i that bad? nothing. i'm very happy for you. and, i have to confess, i'm relieved. oh -- what the hell -- we're friends, right? i had this ridiculous idea that you wanted to get together to have a. you know. for old time's sake. and, frankly, i wasn't looking forward to turning you down. which i would have, of course. had you. asked. which you're not, because you're. you're. right. right. would you pour me a little more, david? i'd like to check out. yes. i was stood up. by the past. no, you don't understand. no. i need the room after all. no. fine. i suppose. no. i'll be fine. you don't even know me. we have nothing in common. thank you for taking care of the room. and now the score is tied. oh my god, what will i tell my mother? i did it with a desk clerk. hardly the affair to remember. of course, she will disapprove. "is english even his first language? this is your idea of a liaison? your idea of leveling the playing field? you don't even know the boy's name--" what's your name? what? you're kidding me. nothing, it's just-- sorry, i just. i didn't think you'd be named david.