huzzah! the admiral's men are returned to the house! silence, you god! i am hieronimo! i am tamburlaine! i am faustus! i am barrabas, the jew of malta--of yes, master will, and i am henry vi. what is the play, and what is my part? who are you? then you may remain so long as you remain silent. pay attention and you will see how genius creates a legend. and the title of this piece? i will play him! will…where is mercutio? gentlemen upstage, ladies downstage! gentlemen upstage! ladies downstage! are you a lady, mr. kent? the speech is excellent. "oh, then i see queen mab hath been with you!" excellent and a good length. but then he disappears for the length of a bible. he dies? suffering cats! well! it was lucky you were here! why do not i write the rest of your play while you terrible! it's good. the title won't do. romeo and juliet--just a suggestion. and you are a warwickshire shit-house. are you going to do it like that? and before the humbled actor can reply ned continues. and but one word with one of us? couple it with something, make it a word and a blow. he was the first man among us. a great light has gone out. yes--it will serve. but there's a scene missing between marriage and death. will it's true, will--it was a tavern brawl…marlowe attacked, and got his own knife in the eye. a quarrel about the bill not the billing, the bill! well, burbage--you never did know when your scene was over. what?! a woman?! you mean that goat?!