my sleeve wants for a button, mistress rosaline, where were my seamstress's eyes? there is no dog in the first scene, will kempe, thank you. how goes it will? not from me. i only stole it. when are you coming over to the chamberlain's men? are you writing? what is the chief part? the title? i will play him. bring it tomorrow. how much? you're a liar. ned is wrong for it. here is two sovereigns--i'll give you two more when you show me the pages. the queen has commanded, she loves a comedy and the master of the revels favours us. ask him. will! and where are my pages . . . what do you want, kit? you have the last act? tomorrow. wait! will you desist! what is money to me like us? besides, if i need a play, i have another waiting, a comedy by shakespeare. never! i gave shakespeare two sovereigns for romeo! treachery! traitor and thief! where is that thieving hack who can't keep his pen in his own ink pot!? that can wait. the master of the revels despises us for vagrants, tinkers, and peddlers of bombast. but my father, james burbage, had the first licence to make a company of players from her majesty, and he drew from poets the literature of the age. their fame will be our fame. so let them all know, we are men of parts. we are a brotherhood, and we will be a profession. will shakespeare has a play. i have a theatre. the curtain is yours. no juliet?! we will all be put in the clink. arrest who, mr. tilney? contempt? you closed the rose--i have not opened it.