what am i, mr. lambert?
how badly bitten, mr. frees?
take his feet out. where will you get
including interest in three weeks?
put his feet in.
cut his nose off.
and his ears.
what's the title?
good title.
a play takes time. find actors… rehearsals…let's say open in three weeks. that's--what--five hundred groundlings at tuppence each, in addition four hundred groundlings tuppence each, in addition four hundred backsides at three pence--a penny extra for a cushion, call it two hundred cushions, say two performance for safety how much is that mr. frees?
a share of the profits.
of course not!
sign here.
romeo and ethel the pirate's daughter…almost finished?
this time we take your boots off!
the theatres are all closed by the plague!
by order of the master of the revels!
so what do we do?
yes i heard.
where is the play?
is it going well?
but nothing is happening.
who is that?
who is this?
a moment, sir!
i am the money!
thank you, sir.
i saw his tamburlaine, you know. wonderful.
of course, it was mighty writing. there is no one like marlowe
cease your prattling! get out! a thousand apologies!
wonderful, wonderful! and a dog!
my investment! lambert!!!
henslowe, you pound of tripe, in my business i would be out of business if i had your courage, so don't tell me about business
a famous victory! kegs and legs. open and on the house! oh what happy hour! (and grabbing a raddled
you are welcome to my best house! here's to the admiral's men!
master kent! you have not dipped your wick?
by heaven, i thank you! i will be your apothecary!
i am to be in your play.
mr. shakespeare has given me the part of the apothecary!
that's me.
sad and wonderful! i have a blue velvet cap which will do well, i have seen apothecary with a cap just so.
"such mortal drugs i have but mantua's law is death to any he that utters them." then him. then me.
"such mortal drugs i have…" what is it? what is it?
everything all right?
i would have been good…i would have been great.
kill him!
is this all right?
"such mortal drugs i have but mantua's law is death to any he that utters them." then him. then me.
i was good. i was great.