she comes! like you, i found him not at home! what does burbage care of that? he is readying the curtain for kit marlowe. i have, master shakespeare. yes, i know. but he was always hanging around the house. you will go far, i fear. i hope we work together again. tilney walks away. my lord wessex! sedition and indecency! where, boy? a woman on the stage? a woman? so, henslowe! i say this theatre is closed! on the authority of the powers invested in my by the court--i close this theatre! for lewdness and unshamefacedness! for displaying a female on the public stage! that's who i meant! this theatre is closed! notice will be posted! closed! closed, mark you, henslowe! i arrest you in the name of queen elizabeth! everybody! the admiral's men, the chamberlain's men and everyone of you ne'er-do-wells who stands in contempt of the authority invested in me by her majesty. that woman is a woman! i'll see you all in the clink! in the same of her majesty queen elizabeth