i don't know -- campbell or something? all right, just a few questions. do you smoke? do a little freebasemaybe, from time to time? ok, i'm going to play you just a few seconds of this tape -- i'd like you to name the song, the lead singer and the three hit singles subsequently recorded by him with another band. turning very briefly to the subject of corporate finance -- no, this is important. leveraged buy-outs -- a good thing or a bad thing? did you ever kill a man? and what if i told you that i was the antichrist? serve. just serve. what? will you shut up and play. i haven't lost yet. victory is the same as defeat. it's giving in to destructive competitive urges. discussion group, alex, discussion. about what? i don't have time. i don't have time to discuss it now. i don't care so long as he's not a freak. normally i don't meet people, unless i know them already. people can be so cruel. keep it going, alex. you're unstoppable now. he made it clear. only on expenses. can i ask you a question? have you ever killed a man? well, that's fair enough, then. alex, i don't have the time -- no. is this what they always look like? i've never seen a dead body before. i saw my grandmother, of course, but i don't suppose that counts. i mean, she was alive at the time. no. no. no. you mean immoral. it's asick idea, alex. it's sick. you think so? sorry? right here? well, it's a wide range of, eh -- exactly what i was -- not any real sneering as such, no. eh -- i'm not sure -- yes, sir. i'm boring? oh, i see, i thought you meant -- he's still here. when are you going to let the police know? and what about you? i don't know. so who's going to do it? no, not that. you know what i'm talking about. you know what. who's going to do it. i can't do it. i won't be able to. i'm just telling you i can't cut him up. there's something i want to ask. i just thought we should discuss it. i don't know. i can't do it. finished. is that going to be deep enough? is this necessary? oh, yes, i'm fine, thanks, just fine. no. do you know many of these people? can we talk about something? listen, it's important. we need to talk about what we're going to do -- i want to talk now. now. anyway, what i was wanting to say was this -- hold on there. who do you think you are? who do you think you are? you interrupted us. well, brian mckinley, if you want to talk to my girlfriend, you talk to me first. if you want to dance with her, then you apply in writing three weeks in advance or you're gonna end up insode a fucking bin-bag. you didn't apply, so you don't dance. i'm sorry. that was stressful. i found that stressful. you think so? i think we ought to scrub this, don't you? how much did you pay? how much did you pay? how much? two hundred pounds? you paid two hundred pounds for this? no, no, no. that's what you paid for it. two hundred pounds is what you paid for it. we don't know what it cost us yet, for you two to have a good time, we don't know the cost of that yet. did they take anything? did they take anything? i'll let you in. security. from what? jehovah's witnesses? there was a break-in. doesn't it worry you? i fitted a lock up there. on the inside. what? yes, that's fine. no, i'm sure, that'll be enough. nothing. not eating what? if you give me the plate, i'll eat. i want to secure it. yeah, and you didn't saw his feet off. it's my mother, sir, she's very ill and i think i need to be with her just now. i don't know. the doctors aren't sure. it could go either way. yes, sir, i'll certainly stay in touch. what about? burglary? of course. so i just heard her cries for help and all that, and when i went downstairs there were already those other people there, so i just stood around really, waiting -- you know how people do -- and then when your colleagues arrived i came back upstairs. and that's about all, i think. i didn't actually see anything useful, i don't think. no, not that i recall, i was asleep. no, nothing, sorry. of course. there are only two other people in the flat. who said there were four? no, three. who said there were four? yes, absolutely. i see. no, they were asleep. they didn't even wake up. i don't know. maybe i'm a light sleeper. someone lost the key. yeah, that's right, that's it. tell him to look for the money. expecting anyone? were you expecting anyone? tonight? visitors? some friends maybe? someone you talked to? who have you talked to? if i think you're lying -- you looking for me? what for? what did you want? the money? was that it? who else have you wanted to speak to? maybe you thought they'd already got me. your friends. well, maybe you don't -- i thought you'd gone to work. i'm sorry. maybe we can still sort everything out. 40: take trust, for instance, or friendship: these are the important things in life, the things that matter, that help you on your way. if you can't trust your friends, well, what then? this could have been any city: they're all the same. well, cameron, are you comfortable? i mean, my first impression, and they're rarely wrong, is that you have none of the qualities that we would normally seek in a prospective flatmate. i'm talking here about things like presence, charisma, style and charm, and i don't think we're being unreasonable. take david here, for instance: a chartered accountant he may be, but at least he tries hard. the point is, i don't think you're even trying. and, cameron -- i mean this -- good luck! do you think he was upset? david likes to keep spareshoelaces in sorted pairs in a box marked, not just shoelaces', but spare shoelaces'. alex is a vegetarian. do you know why? because he feels it provides an interesting counterpoint to his otherwise callous personality. it doesn't. he thinks he's the man for me. he isn't, though there was a time when, well, there was a time when. like one of those stupid posters -- you know, a gorilla cuddling a hedgehog, caption love hurts --- that's what i think when i think of juliet. i don't want to devalue your victory, but i just want you to know: i wasn't trying to win. god, you two are sensitive. all i'm doing is implying some sort of sordid, ugly, sexual liason. why, i'd be proud of that sort of thing. it was some guy called brian. what do you think? aroused and inflamed. it's ok. there's no problem. know and love? have you seen him? you want a go? all right, then, go ahead, telephone. telephone the police. try again. no one's going to stand in your way. go ahead. tell them there's a suitcase of money and you don't want it. that's what i thought. ok. let's do it. all right, now listen. we have to dispose of the body in such a way as to make it unidentifiable, so that even if it is found, then it's never anything more than an unknown corpse. burning, dumping at sea, and straightforward burial are all flawed either by fingerprints, or, more commonly, by dental records. this i have learned. now, what i suggest is that we bury him out in the forest, but first of all we remove his hands and his feet, which we incinerate. and his teeth, which we just remove. it's as simple as that. i always wondered what these were for. now this is what we need. and this. now what else? whoever draws the short straw does it all. that way, you either do it or you don't. all or nothing. but just before the dancing, i'd like to say a special thank-you to a few of the people who've worked so very hard to make this occassion happen. -- would you make your way to the floor for strip the willow. love and happiness for ever. look over there. it's cameron. good luck. i love that guy, but why does he have to follow us around? the divine juliet. long time no see. this is alex law reporting from the scene of his own life, and you know, i'm so happy i could die. what's all this for, more security? you know, you should spend some of that money instead of worrying about it. that's my advice. it tastes different. -- a problem. i'm talking about the police. with a face like this? as and when the corpses are removed, we will endeavour to ascertain the mode of death and duration of burial, as well as identification, which will of course be passed on to you after informing, where possible, the next of kin.