you must be juliet. i'd be delighted. it's nice. well, i've been away for a bit, travelling, that sort of thing, and now i'm trying to write a novel. a priest who dies. yeah. well, maybe i'll change it. yes, i mean, who wants to read about another dead priest? it's about some other guy, some guy who's not a priest, who doesn't die. you see, it's better already. it's a breeze. the telephone? it continues to ring. you're not in. all right. hello. yes. who's calling please? well, i'm sorry, but she's not in right now. i don't know. would you like to leave a message? a little bit. is that good or bad? shall i answer it? working nights? and he's a patient of yours? for what? the human condition. i write about it? no, but like all novelists, i'm in search of the self. i see. i see. what? you were going to say something. you mean i can have the room? yeah. certainly. no.