inside the hall of the flat alex approaches the door to open it. freeze-frame. inside the hall of the flat juliet approaches the door to open it. freeze-frame. hugo lifts the phone. he turns to face juliet and looks her in the eye as he lies on her behalf. inside the flat. the door opens and hugolifts his cases in, kicking the door closed behind him. hugo walks across the halland disappears into his room. hugo dails a number on the telephone and awaits a reply. david is pulling himself through the trapdoor up into the loft. beneath him is a stepladder. juliet stands half-way up the ladder, while alex stands on the floor beside it. as david enters the loft, alex hands up the bag of money to juliet, who passes it on up to david. the trapdoor opens. david's head appears. he looks around and listens carfeully. david speaks on the telephone. the hall is empty and the flat is silent. we see the trapdoor. alex leaves his room and enters the hall. david's head appears beneath the trapdoor. he hangs from the hatch and drops down to the floor. david emerges from the bathroom and walks towards the kitchen. we follow him in.