we see the door to hugo's room, then alex rapping sharply against it. david and juliet stand behind him. juliet stands alone. juliet listens to the sounds from the bedroom, then picks up the telephone. she dials 999 and waits for a reply. it rings and rings. juliet awaits an answer. alex stands at the sink doing some washing up. he hears footsteps from the loft above. he stops what he is doing and walks slowly out ot the hall. alex approaches the door and is about to open it. at the last moment he checks himself and looks through the spyhole. alex, slightly puzzled, fixes the security chains before opening the door. as soon as he opens it, the door is kicked wide open as the security chains break off. tim and andy enter the flat. the trapdoor is closed but the sound of it being unlocked can just be heard (although not by anyone in the flat. tim pulls the ladder across to the trapdoor. the hall is empty, but we can see the open trapdoor. suddenly there is a single thud, as might be caused by a body landing heavily on and across some beams in the loft. alex and juliet are bound together as before. there is a loud thud from the ceiling, following by a few heavy steps. then andy's body falls headfirst through the trapdoor, straight down to the floor below, landing awkwardly and coming to rest with his head hanging back, looking towards alex and juliet. andy takes one agonal breath and dies. blood trickles from the side of his mouth. the hall is empty but we can hear david's footsteps on the beams above. the trapdoor is open. david opens the door. mccall smiles. in the hallway of the flat mitchell stands at the open main door, waiting to leave. mccall is kneeling at the door to hugo's room, tracing his finger down the broken lintel and lock. david looks on. alex tsands at the top of the ladder, holding the key in the trapdoor lock. juliet stands waiting, braced for sounds of conflict. juliet stands, still waiting. a close-up of juliet's face, just as david's hand slams across her mouth, gripping her tightly while his other hand clamps on the back of her head. david's mouth is right up against her ear as he spits a warning into it. david holds juliet across her face again. she is terrified and does not struggle. david pulls juliet to one side. alex appears at the top of the ladder. without looking, he slides down as quickly as he can, calling out as he does so.