in the darkness we can just make out david's eyes as he sits in darkness. it is completely dark in the loft, but as the trapdoor opens a shaft of light strikes upwards and illuminates a small pool around the opening. away from the trapdoor there appears to be a wall of uniform darkness, but then we see a pair of eyes in the darkness. it is david. he stands perfectly still. tim's head appears through the trapdoor. cautiously he lifts himself through and balances on the beams. david stands motionless in the dark, exactly as before. once again a small pool of light emanates from the open trapdoor. andy emerges into the front of this, crowbar in hand, peering into the darkness. carefully he stands up and moves out of the light and steps across the beams. his foot strikes something and he looks down. tim's body lies spread-eagled beneath him. he looks up. to one side of him is the brass light switch. andy lifts his arm, reaches towards it and switches it on. sparks pour out for a moment and then the light comes on for a fraction of a second, long enough for andy to see david's face is only centimetres from his own. rods of light penetrate up from the holes, interrupting but not obliterating the darknes. david sits back, pleased with his work. in the darkness, the sound of the lock being turned is heard. the trapdoor opens. below it, alex crouches on the ladder, expecting attack at any moment. he looks back down to juliet, who returns his gaze, then he slowly raises himself into the loft. alex is still looking but has relaxed a little, feeling les in danger. in one corner he notices david's pile of left-possessions and the mat on which he has been sleeping. he moves towards it. alex stands in david's corner. with another sweep of the torch he can still see nothing. he calls to juliet. alex, cheerful now, is looking in the rafters. alex stands gazing around the loft. alex is about to descend when he notices the water tank. he walks over and lifts the lid. his face breaks into a smile as he realizes what it holds. he dips an arm into the tank, raises the yellow bag, then quickly lowers it again. alex steps back from the water tank.