at the door of a flat on the third floor of the tenement. the door is dark, heavy wood and on it is a plastic card embossed with the names of three tenants. they are alex law, david stevens, and juliet miller. as cameron plods slowly down the stairs, his shoes striking out against the stone steps, alex's criticisms continue. inside the hall of the flat, david approaches the door toopen it. freeze-frame. outside the door of the flat a young goth girl, aged about twenty, rings the doorbell. at the door of the flat a man aged about thrity-five rings the bell. outside the door of the flat hugo rings the bell and waits. juliet opens the door. hugo is in his early thirties, tall, dark and bohemian in appearance. hugo climbs the stairs, carrying two suitcases. he stops at the door of the flat and looks at a bunch of keys before selecting one, which he inserts in the door.