good evening. i'm detective inspector mccall and this is dc mitchell. i wonder if we could ask you some questions. it's about the burglary. downstairs. can we come in? did you hear anything before he cries? have you seen anything or anyone suspicious around here in the last few days? well, if you do, you'll let us know? and the other three people on the flat, did they hear anything? two? we understood there were four people living here. not always, of course, but now, four. how strange. and how unsatisfactory to have misleading information. only three people here. you're sure? take a note of that, mitchell. only three, rather than four. write it down. you can use numbers or words, i have no preference. which are you using? excellent. dc mitchell is a rising star, mr. stevens. under my tutelage he will undoubtedly make the grade. i doubt it. and these two other people, did they hear anything? yes. why do you think you woke and they didn't? loks like you had a break-in up here as well. is this where no one stays?