whoever she is, she doesn't give up, does she? what're you looking for? i thought you said you weren't going anywhere. you mean that girl, don't you? you son of a bitch. wait, at least wait 'til i'm dressed. i'm going. oh, christ -- do you have any kleenex? thanks a lot. why not? what? does she have a pancreatic ulcer? that's very serious. who's her doctor? gee, that's very serious. ruth lesserman had a pancreatic ulcer. it turned out to be cancer. so what are you doing going over there? you're not her doctor. you're very rude. if you don't come back -- i don't want to see you anymore. you're late, george. i don't want to talk about it. i don't care. i don't care about that girl, i don't care if she's dead. i'm perfectly calm, george, i'm simply saying you have no respect for me, that you're incapable of distinguishing between me and one of your average hollywood. mummers. nummers. -- numbers, and i don't need to place myself in that kind of position. -- i like myself far too much, far too much. -- to be put in that kind of position. george -- george! i'm not used to that kind of treatment. i've never been treated that way, and i'm not going to start now. hello. i can see that. what're you doing later? we have this political thing tonight. could you comb me out at the house? what about? why don't you see lester? yes. the shop. i think you're a good investment, and i don't mind telling him. is she all right? i hope she's all right. i wouldn't say so if i didn't. and i certainly wouldn't tell lester. i mean it or i wouldn't say it. who? well, i don't know for sure. he's a hairdresser. thank you, mona. maybe. why do you ask? why? i don't know. he's a hairdresser. yes, but. i thought. that you were just indulging me. mona, mona! have you seen the other one of these by any chance? i want to wear them tonight. oh. when george gets here, tell him to wait. i have to pick up a dress and i may have to have it fitted, but be sure. to tell him to wait. just be sure he doesn't leave. moving through the house. she stops by lorna's room. lorna has a sliding door, which is closed. felicia opens it. lorna? have you seen george? your bathroom? hello, george. i've missed you. it's okay, honey. it's okay now. comb my hair out later, honey. no, baby. i'm glad you're coming tonight. right now, i just don't care. with cleavage carefully prominent in a strapless gown, spots george. she excuses herself from the couple she has been talking with and goes straight to the powder room. george, darling. hello. i'm so glad you could make it. i've been looking forward to seeing you. why didn't you come alone? lester invited you. did you have to bring her? she what? and who's jill? oh. there you are. sweetheart, it's a bore out there. let's lock the door. don't be silly. i'll just tell lester we were smoking a couple of joints. see? lester -- we've met. that's george. they're waiting for you, lester. lester -- lester -- lester, don't you think that uhh -- that girl's making an awful spectacle of herself. i just thought you'd like to know -- is watching jackie and george with ever greater intensity, her mouth growing more and more agape. almost simultaneously rises, knocking her chair back. lester. -- i hope you like miss shawn -- -- cause she's going to be very, very expensive. we cannot go into this later. you make me sick. just be straight for once in your life. -- is that right? -- is that what this is all about? lester, you're a miserable man. you're not helping anybody. you're just twisting arms to raise money for a lot of silly son of a bitches that are out for themselves -- this is just business, don't kid yourself. and you know the worst thing about it, even if it does somebody some good somewhere which i can't possibly imagine, you'll never know the difference. you're just sweating and kidding yourself - and you're kidding yourself if you think your new business partner is going to keep his hands off that girl -- or that she'll keep her hands off him. -- think what you have time to think, lester.