no. my keys. i'm not. i mean i've gotta see this friend of mine for a few minutes. what girl, she's not a girl, she's just a friend of mine. listen, baby, don't leave, really. i'll be right back, it's just that this girl is a different girl. she has attacks. these attacks. it's got something to do with her. uh. pancreas. she's got a. yeah, i think so. i don't know. i know. she did? wow. i've gotta give her some pills. percodan, she ran out. and listen, i'll be right back and i want your ass in that bed when i get back. i'll be back in a while. i'll be right back, baby, really. hey, baby, what's happening! that's too bad. hey, stop by the shop. who do you think it is? what're you talking about? where? well, it's a big canyon. honey, i'm sorry but i've gotta get back. just for a minute. what's gonna happen? well, like what? what? who? you said somebody. who? no shit? nobody's gonna get you. now get inside. you'll do what i tell you. now get the fuck inside. keep moving -- nobody's gonna get you but me! how are you, baby? great, great, fantastic. fantastic. incredible. incredible, really incredible. i'm gonna open the shop, baby, i'm gonna open the shop. i'm getting it together. right now -- i'm at the epitome of my life. right now i feel so good i'm afraid something's gonna happen. when i was a little kid, i used to want to go to europe but right now wherever i am i'm gonna be in europe. i just came from a meeting. i can't talk about it now, baby. but in a few days -- see i'm disgusted with my life. i am, i am. but i've had it with chicks. they're like an occupational hazard. six guys working for me. i'm gonna retire or settle down or something. you're different. you're great. yeah. hey, baby -- i'm gonna retire with you. yeah, baby. jesus, i don't know. you're great. we live together now. -- sure. of course i like children. i'm around you and i like you, don't i? okay. night, baby. what! okay, baby. okay. right. great. she is. great. right. right, that's right. well, yeah. you know. they are? i guess not. well, i do barbara rush. her hair, i do barbara rush. i've got the customers. that's my point. i'm the one they want. if i had my own shop, they'd leave and come to me. i have a lot of customers. hey, baby, what's happening? great, great. i hope you make it. i don't have your number, stop by the shop. god damn it. yeah, sure. i gotta talk to you. but you don't know what happened. it's great. you don't know what happened, this girl she almost got-- calm down, baby. -- what? what? what're you here for? no. you need a cut. said what! well, baby, i'm george and it needs to be cut. but i don't want to place you in that position either. i don't want to place you in any position -- i'll have mary wash you. mary! wash her. -- a brillo pad, i don't care, anything. -- oh yeah. -- white ladies? i'm coming, baby -- how's otis doing, anyway? i don't know if you don't know -- what kind of treatment? jesus, i don't know, baby, i been cutting too much hair lately. i'm losing all my concepts. hey, baby, what's happening? great. jill, say hello to felicia. yeah, baby. great. hey, i'm, you know -- yeah. go where? oh, great, listen, baby, i gotta get back, okay? great. can we talk later? yeah. buffums? i've got heads here, norman. oh fuck, norman! no, man. what? she's heavy. see, norman expects me to get in here, take care of all the customers and then do his show out in norwalk. i gotta have my own shop, just out of self defense. you're looking great, baby. whatever you say. i don't know. i'm beginning to feel guilty. all i ever do is play. i should be doing something to get my own shop open. your husband? what about? hey, listen, baby, i'm a star. hey, baby, say hello to felicia. okay. yeah, baby. baby, i'm in the middle of work. about what? going where? honey, have they offered you the job? just a second, i'll be right with you. i don't know. just a minute. what do you want? they didn't offer you the job yet. right now? look, baby, can we talk about it later? when i get off work. i'll call you. i'll call you. neither do i, baby. nothing, i'll call you, okay? -- anyway. she's fine. you really think i'd be a good investment? no, i know. i know. that's great. you look great, baby, great. dennis, look at felicia's hair. well, yeah. thank you. oh, well, i went to beauty school. you know you go to beauty school. and you get your operator's license. and you graduate. and you're a hairdresser. yes it is. in a way. but. i'm better than the guy i work for. after a while that hurts. doesn't it? thank you. they're not? you're right. great. who's been doing your hair? sure. how come? oh yeah. oh yeah? i mean i know. when? tonight? okay. oh yeah? i know what you mean. -- yeah. your car down here? -- listen, i'm supposed to take jill to el cholo tonight. she's really going to be pissed if i don't. i don't know. probably not. great. so how's everything with you? how long you had this? i'm sure. yeah -- he doesn't happen to know that we went together, does he? you going to tell him? yeah, baby. things are great. listen, there's devra, whatta you want? chicken salad, devra! get some at the desk. yeah, baby, how's it going? no, i'd like to but i've got too many heads here, can't you stop by the shop? two caps, mary, yeah, two. okay, but i have to be in bel air at four. it's great. you wanna speak to mary? hold on. look, would you argue with your doctor? hey, what's happening? mary! telephone. what's the matter? oh yeah? yeah?. i'm busy, man. don't talk like a child. you're a pro, now get out there and cut! i am. except i've gotta do somebody at their house. no, it's a very groovy girl. she's a very groovy girl. that's the problem. well, it's a small town. sooner or later things catch up with you. don't they? where's the caps, mary? mary? what's goin' on, mary? no, thanks. probably the bathroom. well, it depends. if you just wanted a combout. i guess i could. i don't know. why don't you sit down. yeah. i'd cut it. yeah, i think so. no, i'm sure. okay. great. yeah. i mean great. whew. it's hot in here. yeah. wow. jackie, would you argue with your doctor. do you? you still see him? why not? why not? and? did you? boy, that sauna is really. can't you turn it down or something? did lester know about him? i just have to do one little thing. i won't screw you up. what? did i what? hey, i don't tell. yeah? now, baby. if i told you about her. then you couldn't count on me not telling anymore. could you? baby. one of my few virtues is discretion. yeah, baby. i don't want to. i swear. i know. you don't know, i know. sit down. sit down! look, either come in or stay out! that's okay, that's okay, just shut the door. she's very upset. that, and. i'll be done in a minute. it's nerve wracking sometimes. women can get you very upset. this doing hair it's. oh, hey. i don't know what to. yeah. a little. no thanks. i do her hair, yeah. no thanks. no thanks. yeah. yeah. gee, this is great. why do you wanna know so bad? what would my being a faggot have to do with that? have you ever made it with a girl? yeah. i've made it with a girl. am i what? i'd like to do your hair sometime. just, you could look very heavy. what? yeah, it is. no kidding. no shit. yeah. yeah. no. that you're just like your mother. you are. you are. look. do you wanna fuck me? right now? hi. i've. missed you too. no, that's okay, i'll do it now. but aren't you. jill says nothing. where's your car? who? a business meeting, i told you that. look at the way i live. what do you mean, what is it? it's some political bullshit. wait a minute, god-damn-it. do you think i want to go to some god damned party? i'm trying to get that god damned shop open. i'm trying to get a little bread together. that's all i'm doing. i just wanna live like everybody else, that's all. i want clothes in the closet, and food in the refrigerator, and i don't want shit all over the house and running my ass all over town. i want my own house. i want an appointment book. i want to get up in the morning and go to bed at night. i want a normal life like everybody else, that's all. maybe i should get a dog. no, it would just shit all over the house and i'd never clean it up. -- oh yeah. what do you know about this guy? -- this guy with jill. do i need a ticket for this? what does he direct besides traffic? television or movies? jesus christ, there's norma stern. look at her hair. looks like somebody took a dump in it, that's the worst color job i've baby, you've been chippying on me -- -- yes. you don't do that anymore, do you? i'll take a -- some white wine. -- yeah? hey, baby, what's happening. oh this is jackie. jackie, say hello to felicia. well she. she's a friend of jill's. well, she's a friend of johnny pope's -- you know, the director. is threading his way through a crowd, holding two drinks, one of them a coca-cola. it's a little more raucous now, with has his arm held. it's kenneth, a red-haired decorator. look, i'd like to help but -- wait a minute -- baby, you gotta let me out of here. holy christ. you want to get us killed? don't do it. c'mon, cunt, you're going for a walk. sweetheart, you're drunk. well anyway. well -- i could try. do you wash your hair every day? no it keeps the skin peeling. you've got to keep the follicles open. you lose hair and the skin grows over the follicle and that's how you lose it. this really ought to be layered. well yeah, otherwise it just sort, you know, lies there -- layer so it kind of fluffs out -- -- we can't now. jackie, can we -- -- you are. his chin to the tablecloth is fishing under it for jackie. now, jackie -- jackie, c'mon -- i've got to get her out of here. -- well aren't you -- -- okay -- -- i'll see you later. your house. -- what? you were great. no you didn't. you were great. that sounds like me. sammy's? he never stopped. what are you looking at? -- yeah. am i entertaining you? -- sure. hey, what's happening. in the jacuzzi? no, later, maybe -- go ahead, i'll catch up with you -- i've got -- -- where'd you go? -- what? nothing. -- mmm -- mmmm -- look who's talking. -- yes, you -- not me, pal. -- do you want ice? -- we're kidding ourselves. -- last night i dreamt i was fifty years old and mary told me i was supposed to meet jill at the shop. it seared me shitless. i can't imagine being with jill when she's fifty years old. i can't imagine not being with you. honey? where've you been? we've been looking everywhere for you. jill! jill! jill, goddammit! -- jesus -- -- shit. . wait here, honey -- hey, red dog. you seen jill? jackie? jackie? jackie? hey. you seen. jackie. jackie! jill. jill. jill. -- yeah, this is -- i guess you haven't heard from her yet. okay. thanks. i don't want to fight either. look. uh -- i love you. i do, jill. how come you took your own car? well that's something. you didn't plan on fucking him tonight. you did fuck him, didn't you? didn't you, baby? oh, christ. that was him. you told him i was here and he wanted to know if i was beating you up. well, did you get a job out of it at least? where did this come from? baby, don't do this. i do love you. obviously. what do you wanna know for? what difference does it make? baby, please don't. i love you. baby, don't do this -- -- please, baby -- how? you dumb cunt, everybody fucks everybody, grow up, for christ's sakes. you're an antique, you know that? look around you -- all of 'em, all these chicks they're all fucking, they're getting their hair done so they can go and fuck, that's what it's all about. come into the shop tomorrow and i'll show you -- i fucked her, and her, and her, and her, and her -- i fucked 'em all!. that's what i do, i fuck. that's why i went to beauty school, to fuck. i can't help that, they're there and i do their hair and sometimes i fuck 'em. i stick it in and i pull it out and that's a fuck, it's not a crime. jesus. what? what? what? what? what? does it make you happy? that's all you've got to say? -- tell me something -- did you talk about me? did you? yeah, i know. did you? did you? did you? what did you say? what did you say? what did you say? no, i'm not a loser, baby, i just sort of break even. yeah. how long have you been here? well. who are those guys? look, lester. are you unhappy with me about something? well, what? now wait a minute. but. i believe you. oh jesus christ. hey, have 'em put me away, or whatever you're gonna do, okay?. i'm too tired to lie, i'm too tired to tell the truth. i'm too tired for anything. what can i say! i'm not anti-establishment. then don't. just have 'em beat me up or whatever you're gonna do. what, do you think i planned it? didn't they tell you? how am i gonna tell you what they have against you? i mean jesus fucking christ, they're women, aren't they? have you ever listened to women talk, man? have you? well i do, i do 'til it's fucking coming out of my ears. i'm on my feet all day, every fucking day, listening to women talk and you know what they talk about, don't you? being fucked up by some guy. that's all that's on their minds. i'm sure you've done something they could get pissed off about, what's that got to do with it? all women are pissed off, man, all of 'em. they fucking hate us! don't you know that? we're always trying to fuck them. they know it and they like it and they don't like it. that's just how it is. look, it's got nothing to do with you, man. it just happened. felicia's got nothing to do but shop and get her hair done and she knows she's getting older. her daughter hates her, what's she going to do, go to pta meetings? oh, are you kidding, man? she hates her. oh, fuck, lester, how should i know? no thanks. okay, thanks. i know. who? hey, you were never going to give me the money. oh yeah. i don't either, lester, i swear to you i don't. what about her? lester, it just happened. no -- no, man, no. you can say everybody's a whore. she's okay. i mean jackie'll fuck around but not that much. somewhere she really likes you, lester, and it's not just the bread. she's okay. yes i do. what? devra, try jackie shawn will you? and if you don't reach her, keep trying. where's mary? norman! devra, i asked you to call jackie. call her. somebody's going to have to wash mrs. young. mary's not here. look, norman, i'm not the shampoo girl. oh, jesus, that fucking goddam mary- mary! get over here! mary, where were you yesterday? huh? you ran out on me and you left it like a goddamn pig pen. what's wrong, mary, are you drunk? look, i've had a rough night, one of the roughest i've ever had, now i'm not in the mood for any sulking bullshit, what's wrong? are you sick? are you drunk? can you work? -- otis? oh, mary. -- oh -- sweetheart. -- please, please forgive me. -- why did you come in today? -- how did you get here? -- c'mon, i'll get you home. -- good afternoon -- i've got to leave? why? where are you going? look about last night -- it's not okay, i mean we've got to talk now. where are you going? -- it's malone's. pull over, pull over! no -- i want to marry you. i want to take care of you and i want your children, and i want you to be my girl. that's all i want. that's all i want out of my life, and it's a lot. look, i don't know if i'll ever make it. i mean i'm a fuckup, but i'll take care of you, i'll make you happy, i swear to god i will. jackie. jackie?. answer me, for god's sake, answer me. so i'm saying it. what's too late about it? look, we're not dead, are we? that's the only thing that's too late. so what? you don't love him, do you? answer me. i don't know. jackie? i don't trust. anyone. but you. don't go, jackie. don't leave me. what for?