there were some shots. gunshots, there were some gunshots. here in the canyon. let me come, too. please don't leave me alone. i don't know. every once in a while i just get the feeling something awful's going to happen. i don't know. just. somebody's going to get me. i've had these dumb dreams lately. they're dumb, somebody. i don't know. i just. who what? i don't know. i can't remember. it was just in my dream. george, i don't -- george -- now, george -- fine. how are you? what? how? honey, what happened? i thought you said you were at the epitome of your life. what about me? i am? i am? do you really mean that? honey? why am i great? will we live together? but in the same house, you know, one house. maybe you don't even like children. you've never even been around one. yeah. george? not right now, i don't mean right now. but eventually. jackie says she wouldn't bring children into this world. that it's hypocritical and overpopulated. who is that? i am? i mean why? i'm not. maybe i am. so what's your point? i know, i'm sorry. george is great but i know what you mean. i guess not. egypt? but why egypt? no. how long did you say? egypt? no, it's not that. no. no. no. no! now i'm embarrassed to tell you. please don't misunderstand. i'd really like to go. oh. thank you. george. they want me to go to egypt for three weeks. hello. george. how did it go at the bank? could i talk to you for a second? could i? i said i wasn't sure if i could go. egypt! okay, but how did it go at the bank? george. i already said hello. george. when can i talk to you? i know but this is important. i have to make a decision. whether or not i'm going. egypt. no, but i think they might. your advice! i want your feelings about it. look, either we have a meaningful relationship or we don't, i've got to know. when? when is that? when is that, george? but i never know when you're working and when you're not working! what? okay. don't be silly. -- no. no really. nothing. well, it's george. well they are. but we have problems. you say things are great with lester. is he going to marry you? but you have problems? i don't know. one minute he's up in the air and makes love to me five times a day and tells me everything's going to be great and he's getting his own shop and then suddenly he disappears and he won't even talk to me. it's driving me crazy. -- i guess it's all got to do with this shop. well, you know what i mean. i'm exaggerating. jackie -- well. it's not so much the number of times he does it, it's. he does it for a long time. well yes -- you know that about george. quite a while. an hour, an hour and a half -- sometimes forty-five minutes -- that's quite a while, isn't it? honey? i think you're going to hit that car in front of us. -- see, i just know that if i go to egypt, well, things happen, i just don't know what'll happen to us, he just never seems to think ahead, does he? -- well -- not going in and out, i don't mean just that. why are you asking me? you went with george longer than i have. c'mon. -- yesss? -- uhh-huhh. mmm-hmmm. didn't you have any panties on? what did you do? no, it sounds very sexy -- did you just stay by the sink all that time? hello. oh hi, johnny. oh really? thank you. are you serious?. tonight i'm busy, i. right now? oh no, you really couldn't come up here. why don't you ask for another one? my friend doesn't like it here either. well he's not exactly a friend. of course not. he's sort of a boyfriend. sort of. johnny! -- never mind. -- no. he's a hairdresser. getting your hair done. would you like to go to a party? a friend dropped me off. never mind. where've you been? what business meeting? i've been trying to reach you all afternoon. you weren't in the shop. what is this thing tonight? i have to have jackie ask me? don't you think you could call me and let me know? look at my hair. i know, honey. oh, honey. if we had one place, we could have a nicer place and i could take care of it. we're almost never here. ha, ha. commercials. a stinger, please. well. sure. george? was he alone? well did he go in there with jackie? that bastard. well, commercials. i read for a soap the other day. a daytime soap opera. i was too old. somebody's mother. -- jackie really shouldn't drink -- -- she's a very compulsive girl. -- go ahead. -- what? -- i'll see you later. -- here i am. now what? let's do that. -- why? -- his car. they have it blocked. sure thing, mr. karpf. c'mon. -- i'll get in the back -- -- there's not much room -- jill. -- yes, jill. thank you. oh, johnny, mr. karpf needed a ride home and i said we'd take him. do you mind? -- so what's new, red dog? -- so when are you going to egypt? now i didn't mean that, you rat. you're going? you're kidding. johnny! why didn't you tell me before? we can't really leave that poor man here alone. -- still -- at least we should tell him we're going. c'mon. -- what -- oh my god. oh no, oh no. oh no. you son of a bitch! you bastard! i don't want to fight, george. bullshit. i didn't want him meeting me here. what is. i'm very tired, george. let go of me. let go of me or i'll scream, i'll call the police. oh, hi. listen, can i call you back?. yes. no, everything's fine, really. bye. yes. yes. i'd like you to leave now. -- and take this with you. who knows, i'm sure you don't -- but if it'll help any, i found it in your bed. so who else was there besides jackie? huh?. huh? obviously there were others, weren't there? how many? i just want to know, that's all. i just want to know while we were seeing each other. i just don't want girls looking at me and knowing and me not knowing. i don't want to be a fool!. i want to look them in the eye and say, i know! -- it'll help me if you'll tell me. -- no, it'll help me, really -- i'll know you've lied to me. all along. i'll know you're incapable of. love. that'll help me. not now, but eventually. well i'm glad you told me. i am. i mean, you know, that's. honest. at least you're honest with me. i wish you'd go now. -- yes. george. please!. that's not like you. george, now cut this out. stop it. yes, yes, i did. george, if you keep this up i'm going to scream. george. i said you were a loser!