look, kurt, i don't care where you have to go. i want beluga caviar there. call jurgenson's, call chasen's. i don't care how much it costs. how much?. then spend it. just make sure it's there. you've got all the money in the world to buy it. you understand? just make sure it's there on the table tonight. jesus. you've got to do everything yourself. you know? felicia says you're a very good hairdresser. she says you're a fabulous hairdresser. i didn't say it, she did. how'd you happen to get in that line of work? i see. it's an unusual trade. but the important thing is you're successful at it. but what? well, george, i invest for a lot of people. i make a lot of money for them. more than they could do for themselves. it's good you want to do something, george. but personal services are not the kind of thing i usually get into. no, they're a pain in the ass, there's no way of keeping track of anything. it's a cash business and you've got to watch your operators or they'll steal you blind, am i right or am i right? who needs that kind of aggravation? who needs that kind of aggravation at my age? when i finish work i want to. what for? what do you need the key for? how did you lose that key? oh, george, this is uh miss -- this is jackie. is that right? is that right? george is going to open a shop. george, could you -- excuse us for a minute? i called to tell you i was sending one over but the line was busy, you're always on the phone. who were you talking to? my secretary saw you with that boy. whatever his name is, that actor. then you were talking to him. i'm not jealous of the dogs. now listen, jackie, i'm not jealous of anybody, i just can't afford to get caught. off base. of course not. it's very logical, it's the most logical thing in the world. you wouldn't feel this confined if we could go out with people and have dinner, and a little conversation and so forth. sweetheart, i know it's rough but at this point -- my business involves handling money for some very touchy people, politics and so on. felicia's at a very difficult period in her life. any divorce and settlement and so forth, my finances would have to be looked into. look. you do well for people, they don't ask you to stop. nobody wants you to stop making money, doll, not even uncle sam. they all want their share. what's that? god, you're a doll. we'll work something out about tonight, i promise. angie, give miss shawn a garage key for the bowmont house, would you? well, let's go down together. c'mon, george, i'll walk you out. felicia's really interested in the shop, isn't she? well, george, you may not think ten or fifteen grand means much to me, but i invest for myself and a lot of particular people. so i'm going to want a little more of your thinking on the subject. when? how about tonight? yeah, little election party i'm giving at the bistro. it's a pain in the ass but -- i have to do it. we'll have a little time to talk there. -- maybe you could, on your way, you know, pick up jackie here. it's good you want to do something, george. i wish my son knew what he wanted to do. -- anything, i don't care what it is, just so it's something. maybe he ought to go to beauty school. anyway, see you tonight, doll, okay? do you think george is a fairy? that kid. the hairdresser. maybe he's just a kooky guy who likes doing something kooky like that. i'm thinking of investing with him. he worries me. maybe he's too flighty and irresponsible. that's why i asked if he was a fairy. you suggested it, don't you think it's a good idea? what? no, doll, i listen to you. and if a deal loses money that's not so bad either if it's handled right. he's a nice boy. i invited him tonight. i'm sorry he's a fairy. jackie?. jackie? oh, i'm sorry. sorry, honey, i. what about, tonight? you look like you've had quite a work-out. i know it, i know it. i know it, son. but tonight's going to be even tougher. george, i know you have to deal with felicia and you're caught in the middle, and if you can just bear with me tonight, well, i appreciate the way you've handled the situation. it's a difficult situation, and i want you to know i appreciate it. tonight's going to be real tough for me -- son, we'll do business, i can tell you that. i'd like a drink. you ought to get rid of those dogs. they get hair all over the place. aren't you going to have one? why not? c'mon, doll, it's five o'clock, have a drink. i called to tell you i was on my way, but the line was busy, you're always on the phone. george, glad you could make it, son. hi, doll. glad to meet you, jill, mr. pope. who are they? does she know about us? who's the guy, george's boyfriend? c'mon, jackie, i'm only trying -- george -- -- do me a favor, kind of keep your eye on jackie, she's a little high strung tonight -- see she doesn't drink too much. see you later, doll. pours his drink on the cuff of a distinguished man sitting beneath him at a table as he sees george and felicia and jackie clustered together. jesus, nate, i'm sorry. so far so good. you never know. only a few seats from jackie, jackie staring daggers at him, lester aware of it. he's talking to a pair of lacquered eminence grises. -- fellas, fellas, just listen, you both have tidelands, you both want uncle sam to come through with offshore drilling permits -- so do it together -- hi, doll, what's wrong? oh, felicia, there you are, you know george and uh -- uh -- yes, jackie shawn, my wi -- felicia. your hair looks -- well fabulous. it's just -- fabulous. think you could do anything for me? isn't that bad for it? layered? have they sat down? -- senator, you should've seen those little kids! about forty of 'em, all blind. we put out these mattresses on the front lawn and they came running out of the house, tripping and falling all over the place, having a hell of a good time. i mean they were blind of course. but it really gave you a feeling of accomplishment. i tell you i never had such a good time. -- yes, senator -- just a minute, dear -- what do you expect me to do about it? why would i like to know if there's nothing i can do about it, goddammit -- sees both moves and interrupts the senator. senator, excuse me a moment -- hello, george. your friend feeling a little under the weather? oh, dear that's too bad. -- get her out of here, get her out of here. what was that? -- oh, good. yes, sweetheart, shh. -- what, who? oh she's very nice, yes -- i mean normally --- can't we go into this later, sweetheart? that's okay too. -- look, felicia, this party involves more than you and me, you know. these people are concerned about more than each other, you know. -- yes, we're all trying to do something to make this a better country to live in, believe it or not. yes and you don't have to be sarcastic about it, that's a beautiful thing he's doing -- some people do more than go to the beauty parlor and shop at saks -- what are you talking about? what are you talking about, felicia? -- have they located it? -- oh, sorry. can't find what? -- oh -- well that's good, isn't it? no of course not. -- what's the problem, honey? oh that's no problem. -- take care of this boy's problem, will you, gene? -- listen, i wonder if you kids could give me a ride? i'm kind of stranded here. everything okay, son? -- oh no, honey, i'll do that. that's fine -- see, nothin' to it. what did you say your name was, sweetheart? jill. gee. that's wonderful, jill. -- just wonderful. call me les. oh, say, how would you kids like to stop off for a drink? well. that's wonderful -- i'll stop by there for a drink. whose place is this? i'm. peers into the kitchen. it's filled mostly with unkempt beards. he decides against it, turns up a small staircase and continues up it until he finds himself in a den. -- how's it going? -- is that illinois? -- sally? walks back in the foyer, holding a drink, swaying. the strobe lights are going again in the living room. -- in there? say -- do you know where i can find a towel? shhh -- -- now that's what i call fucking. who has been smiling continues to smile until the enormity of the image hits him. his face freezes. it is harsh and determined. he turns slowly away from the window and walks past jill without looking at her. wait outside, would you? you live like a pig. all night. what do they look like?. yeah, i'm unhappy with you about something. godammit, george. sit down. i said sit down! i'll call you, it's okay. now, george, i want to hear it from you. either you admit it, man to man, to my face or i'll have him pound it out of you, and he does a hell of a job, believe me. i wanna hear about it. i wanna hear about it, george. i wanna hear about it. i wanna know your thinking, i wanna know how someone like you thinks. did you think you could get away with it, did you think you could put something over on me? does a guy like you get his kicks sneaking around behind people's backs and taking advantage of them? maybe that's your idea of being anti establishment! that's got nothing to do with it. you're so beyond my comprehension i can't even discuss it with you. no, not yet, not yet. you worry about it for a while, i've been worrying all night, now you can worry. was it me, did you have something against me? did they have something against me? i wanna hear it from you! yes, i follow your thinking on that. do you think lorna hates her? i don't think she hates her. i mean she may resent her a little. why, why do you think that is? well, i don't know. want a drink? have a drink. you don't have a clean glass in the house. i'll have to wash one out. jesus, what a way to live. i never lived like this, not even when i was your age, not even when i never had a dime. hell of a way to treat a business partner, that's all i can say. me! i was gonna give you the money. probably i was. shit, i don't know, i don't know anything anymore. i tell you, you never know. you just never know. one minute you're here and the next. i mean a man at my age, how long have i got -- ten years? five years? i wish i knew. what i was living for. you can lose it all; you can lose it all no matter who you are. i don't know, what's the point of having it all. look at me. i don't have a goddam thing. the market's terrible right now, went down ten points last week, goddam lyndon johnson! yeah,, it goes up a little and then it goes down, maybe nixon will do something. what's the difference, they're all a bunch of jerks. i wouldn't let 'em run my business, i can tell you that much. not if i had any choice in the matter. i don't know what to do with you. i don't know, i don't know what's right or wrong anymore. what about jackie? i mean, how did that happen? she's nothing but a whore. just a whore, i go over there, have a few drinks and get my gun off. i'm through with her, she's nothing but a whore. you really think so? i'm finished with her. oh, by the way, i think you oughta know -- lorna thinks she's got the clap. yeah, the clap. that's what she thinks. but who knows -- i don't know. i don't know anything anymore. go easy on him, he's a nice boy. just having a little fun, george. go on home. i'll call you later about the shop. i'm beat. god, i'm beat.