that's right. well, that's where the pyramids are and we want real pyramids in the ad. well, do you have something against us? go ahead, jill, you can say it. sure. this town. oh, scraves. thank you. taking your hair out of my salad. are you kidding? his hair's probably the most nutritious thing in here. see, you've reduced me to eating weeds. all right, forget this filth. continue about your friend. is he an enemy? -- sort of a boyfriend? i see. you mean he just sort of fucks you. my god, did i say that? i don't believe it. i'm terribly sorry. what does he do? is he an actor? good for you. -- oh, sure. a hairdresser. how. how do you a. meet a hairdresser? not with your hairdresser. as they move to take his porsche. i'll park it. a tomato juice. this other couple that we're here with, do you know them very well? then maybe you can tell me why george would be going into the ladies room. i don't think so. george is a hairdresser, isn't he? i think they're waiting for somebody to start dinner. everybody but us. -- oh i don't know -- i can see that. well -- as i see it we've got two choices. we can hang around here and wait for the bomb to go off, or we can go to my party. -- we're going to be here all night. -- these bastards have me hemmed in. terrific. now all i have to do is find my car keys. is heading back to his car. he stops when he sees lester's feet hanging out the door. oh, no shit. hi, what are we doing? of course not. where to, les? well we'd love to, but we're going to another party. -- the bar's in there, les. jill, scraves is a -- you mean when are you going to egypt? two weeks from tomorrow. you're going. those arabs won't be when they start chasing you around the sand dunes. -- just before i ask you out? i can't do that. let's get out of here before good old les catches up with us again. what's wrong? -- he'll never know the difference. i'm telling you he won't know the difference.