never seen such a sorry-lookin' heap of maggot shit in my life. bullshit. i'll take that action. you're out some smokes, son. take my word. i say that chubby fat-ass. let's see. fifth from the front. put me down for a quarter deck. fat-ass. oh, faaaat-ass. talk to me, boy. i know you're in there. i can hear you breathin'. now don't you listen to these nitwits, hear? this ain't such a bad place. i'll introduce you around, make you feel right at home. i know some big ol' bull queers who'd love to make your acquaintance. especially that big white mushy butt of yours. mornin', boys. it's a fine mornin'. you know why it's fine? that's right, send 'em all down. i wanna see 'em lined up in a row, pretty as a chorus line. gee, red. terrible shame, your horse comin' in last and all. hell, i sure do love that horse of mine. i believe i owe that boy a big sloppy kiss when i see him. say tyrell, you pull infirmary duty this week? how's that winnin' horse of mine, anyway? what? what'd you say? what the fuck you care, new fish? doesn't matter what his fuckin' name was. he's dead. didn't do it! lawyer fucked me! poor byron. what terrible fuckin' luck. imagine inheriting thirty five thousand dollars. just keep spreadin' tar. oh god, he's gonna do it, he's gonna throw him off the roof. here's a cold one, andy. sounds good to us. figure we owe him for the beer. what are you, fuckin' geologist? what the hell is it then? bullshit. my ass! how you 'spect to do that, "mr. dufresne-if-you-please?" sure. i know that. sure. him? what about me? crazy old fool! goddamn near slit my throat! nothin'! just came in to say fare-thee-well. ain't you heard? his parole came through! old man's crazy as a rat in a tin shithouse, is what. institutionalized, my ass. shovel man in. watch the dirt. couldn't play somethin' good, huh? hank williams? shit. no such thing as easy time in the hole. a week seems like a year. treasure island. robert louis. the count of monte crisco. by alexandree dumb-ass. sounds like road-gangin', you ask me. give us a break, lady. no, ma'am. you heard the lady. c'mon! we're showin' our tools and grinnin' like fools! take the damn picture! you did a stretch in cashman too? red? you saying andy's innocent? i mean for real innocent? sweet jesus. how long's he been in here? oh lord. andy come down to the loading dock today. asked me for a length of rope. six foot long. sure i did. i mean why wouldn't i? how the hell was i s'pose to know? probably still up in the warden's. let's pull him aside tomorrow, all of us. have a word with him. ain't that right, red?