well. ain't this for shit? c'mon there, old boys! movin' like molasses! makin' me look bad! so i'm backin' out the door, right? had the tv like this. big ol' thing. couldn't see shit. suddenly, here's this voice: freeze kid! hands in the air! well i just stand there holdin' on to that tv, so the voice says: "you hear what i said, boy?" and i say, yes sir, i sure did! but if i drop this fuckin' thing, you got me on destruction of property too! yeah. that was an easy ride, let me tell you. work programs, weekend furloughs. not like here. what the hell you know about it, capone? what are you in for? i'm thinkin' maybe i should try for high school equivalency. hear you helped some fellas with that. thing is, see. . i don't read all that good. so this raven just sits there and won't go away? why don't that fella get hisself a 12-gauge and dust the fucker? the cat sh--the cat shh. the cat shat on the welcome mat? well. it's for shit. wasted a whole fuckin' year of my time with this bullshit! it's worse! i didn't get a fuckin' thing right! might as well be in chinese! i'll tell you how the goddamn score comes out. two points! right there! there's your goddamn score! goddamn cats crawlin' up trees, 5 times 5 is 25, fuck this place, fuck it! i feel bad. i let him down. smart fella, ain't he? what's he in for anyway? the hell you say. oh my god. 'bout four years ago, i was in thomaston on a 2 to 3 stretch. stole a car. dumbfuck thing to do. few months left to go, i get a new cellmate in. elmo blatch. big twitchy fucker. crazy eyes. kind of roomie you pray you don't get, know what i'm sayin'? 6 to 12 for armed burglary. said he done hundreds of jobs. hard to believe, high-strung as he was. cut a loud fart, he'd go three feet in the air. talked all the time, too, that's the other thing. never shut up. places he'd been, jobs he pulled, women he fucked. even people he killed. people that gave him shit, that's how he put it. one night, like a joke, i say: "yeah? who'd you kill?" so he says. it's my fault. the son of a bitch mailed it. thumb up my butt sounds better. c'mon, just throw it away. will you please? just throw it away? out here? warden? yes sir, i sure can. yes sir. absolutely. just gimme that chance.