little brother. grammy wants to see you. listen, i'm pretty sure she wants to discuss the will. she won't tell us dick, so we're kind of hoping you can grease the wheels. yeah, yeah, the cremation and what not. debbie, let me handle this. we've got a wedding to pay for, numbnuts, and you know mom and dad are going to branson next month. now you always been grammy's favorite so we're counting on you to get in there and sort out what's what. it's about time, numbnuts. so kirk gets it all!? that is bullshit! well!? she left him eighty grand!? so kirk owes money!? ha! shit, man! that is god damn hilarious! close the door, fucknut. nah. fuckin' leroy fired me again. like that dick never came to work with a little buzz on. i promise i won't mention her goiter. you want another one dad? nah, fuck him. anyways, leroy ain't payin' shit ever since he trucked in all those spics from fresno. hey, i'm sorry. i didn't know. so, molly. what do you do? you see? that's using your head. that's a business to get into. book a band, blow up a few balloons and people pay out the ass for it. so, molly, me and debbie here are getting hitched. what do you get for a wedding job? but you've done weddings. so, what do you get for one? we're looking at about two hundred people and we're gonna do this whole nascar theme. so what's the damage for supervising something like that? i'm just talkin' ballpark. i'm ain't gonna try and jew her down. so you're making a comfortable living, you seem like you got your head together more or less and christ, look at ya. what the hell you doing with numbnuts here? come on, ma - we're all thinking it. funny? kirk is funny? tell us a joke there sinbad. no shit, when you dump him, he's liable to kill himself. you think you're hot shit now? is that it? you think you're better than me. say it. well take a look around, big slick. every one of these says eric. first place! first place! m.v.p.! winner! winner! you think you're the winner now? well forget it, man! i don't buy this for a second. you show up here with that piece of ass!? either you're fucking with us or she's fucking with you so which is it? a little!? are you shitting me? alright, alright! i think we can all agree that debbie here is one wicked hot box. yeah, and this molly makes her look like a pig. you see? this girl of yours is already startin' shit. come on baby! kirk didn't mean nothing by that! i'm goin' upstairs and gettin' to the bottom of this. i think this gal is messing with my little brother and i'm not going to sit still for it. way to go numbnuts. you should have let me handle it. hey stainer! long time no see! take care, bro! tom fuckin' wopat, bro! go get him kirk! it's chump change to you now. you stupid son of a bitch! you are such a numbnut. i am telling you - absolute numbnuttery! sure. careful with it there, captain jack. it cost him three million bucks. whoa! all due respect there, big shot. how would you know? you had all that shit when you bagged the big ones. you believe this fuckin' guy? fine. geeze. what's up your ass?