so, let's keep a steely eye out for this bastard. before we dismiss, this is your monthly reminder of why we're here. the american people want to travel. they want to attend baseball contests and popular music concerts. they want to be happy. but, security comes first. without security there can be no happy. you are america's front line in the global war on terror. let's hit the trenches and let's be careful out there. you think that's funny!? you wanna sit in first class or you wanna sit on my gloved and jellied finger!? did'ja see that? boy would i ever like to. you know. put my penis in her vagina. ma'am, could you please remove your jacket and shoes? why don't we go ahead and strip off that belt too while we're at it. any piercings you'd like me to know about? you best hope the terrorists are taking personal calls on the job too, mister! you think you're pretty smart don't you kettner. thin ice mister! good! don't come back, kettner! america is safer without you!