kirk, you've been really great about your mom and i staying so close since we broke up but i know how much grammy meant to you. well, is it okay with you that i'm here? okay, good. then can i introduce you to my new boyfriend? ron, this is kirk. i don't know who that is. kirk, i'm sorry about grammy. i realize she was never that crazy about me but i know how much you loved her and i hope you're okay. listen, are you going to branson with your folks next month? what's wrong with branson? you too good for branson now? well, your mom invited ron and i along. we'd love to go but not if it's going to be weird for you. i mean the tickets are non- refundable but it's up to you. kirk, i'm sorry about what happened with us. you're going to make someone very happy someday, but you have to get over me first, okay? is it a deal? i wouldn't really call it a restaurant, ron. it's a pizza hut with no tables. it's a take out place. got to get home and let peanut out. kirk, you look really good. ron! let's go! good, you got my note. i'm sorry to bug you at work but this couldn't wait. kirk, i think i messed up. i see a change in you and i like it. so, i was thinking that we should maybe. get back together. just to try it out, you know? why not? please don't say it's because of this molly person. good. i was really worried about you with her. she seems like kind of a bitch. well, she acts like she's better than everyone with her hybrid car and her la-de-da charity work. okay, maybe so. see? this is what i mean. you never argued with me before. you're really growing. if you want to get back together, of course, i'll break up with ron. i'm not going to risk being all alone just because you don't know what's good for you. come on, kirk. deep down, you know where you belong. come on, kirk. what difference does that make!? fine. we're not in the a group but we're still getting on next. hit him kirk! or else i will!