hi, i'm booked on flight 94 to burbank. molly mccall. oh, hello again. uggh. yeah. it's just a short hop to l.a. but they've got me going back and forth three days in a row. this client is killing me. it's a date. oh, sure. oh geeze. please tell me i didn't get you in trouble back there. oh my god. i'm so sorry. i know. i lost my grandmother a few months ago and i. your grandmother too? and you were close? oh, you poor thing. my grammy keenan was ninety four but independent right to the end. she was always trying to cook for everyone. you couldn't stop her. oh, geeze, that's me. i'm so sorry. i'm molly. hello? who's calling please? oh, no. i'm already on the plane and we're pushing back right now. oh geeze, some of those are my only prints. it would be such a huge favor if you could hold on to them for me. i'm coming back next week. i have your number in my phone. as soon as i get back i'll call you and arrange to pick them up, okay? thank you so much, kirk. thanks. i'm really sorry. hey! there you are! i'm sorry i'm so overdressed. i just came from a work thing. are you doing okay with. everything? stainer? thank you so much for taking care of them for me! i need to get some copies made. if i lost these. uugh. hey, have you eaten yet? i was going to go grab a bite. let me buy you dinner to pay you back. i know. i want to. come on! the place across the street has the best greasy burgers in town. i'll have a bass. well, it wasn't the original plan. i went to law school. ended up at a big firm but i hated it. then, they asked me to plan the christmas party. it was a big hit and a few months later i was done with law. i know. pernicious career move, right? i'm sorry. like, destructive or. pernicious. i really do. we do a lot of charity events and i get to work with some of the most amazing human beings on some really fun projects. next month i'm doing a cancer benefit with billy joel. the only downside is i have to do a lot of public speaking and i've always struggled with stage fright. are you seriously hitting on me right in front of my boyfriend? did you get a load of that hair- piece? what is it with men? i mean, look at you. you're bald and you're fine with it. a little dignity is all i'm saying. the toupees and plugs and the teen- dream sports cars. oh geeze, i'm sorry. do you drive a sports car? oh, my god! i love that book! well, i've got an early morning. i should go. thanks for coming along. this was really fun. and thanks again for helping me out. oh, stop it. listen, i handle some of the charity events for the coyotes and i've got some tickets for the hockey game tomorrow night. you interested? perfect. i hate to see them go to waste. there's two so maybe bring stainer? hey guys! you made it! hooray! thanks for coming. guys, this is my best friend in the whole world, patty. this is kirk and, um, stainer, right? patty's my assistant and my go-to gal. whatever you need, she can make it happen on a moments notice. oh, and she likes to shock people so don't let her freak you out. that was a bogus call, bobby. your skates barely left the ice. oh, i know. it's fine. you know my policy on players, bobby. and you might have noticed we've already got dates. reese, you'd better. patty! stop it! i'll go see what i can do about stainer. no, it's okay. i know the head of security. i'll be right back. but, you can't legally be held responsible for her debt. what kind of hack is this attorney? you're a good man, kirk. listen, no more drinks. please. i'm sorry. this happens sometimes. oh, my gosh! talon! i didn't realize you were in town already. kirk, this is talon. this is my good friend, kirk. wouldn't miss it. please. you're the one the kids go crazy for. only once a year. talon is our charity liaison at the air show. and my ex-boyfriend. he had to go but he asked me tell you how much he enjoyed meeting you. he is. he's wonderful. i know, i know - the blue eyes and the rock hard abs, right? but he's really so much more than that. a gallery in new york just opened an exhibit of his photography. he's a genius. oh my gosh! this is your apartment? i used to live in this neighborhood back in college. we used to come to parties over here sometimes. oooohh. can i come up and see your place? no, i like it! wow, we have a lot of the same dvds. life of brian, cool hand luke, family guy. beaches, kirk? i love that movie. wow, records. no way! look at all this cheap trick! are you kidding? heaven tonight is the first album i ever owned! a hand-me-down from my big sister. she was the coolest person in the whole world. you play the piano? oh, i'll bet you're great. play something for me. what, the stage fright thing? come on it's just me. please? so you've never played in front of anyone? let me guess. you looked at the audience. right there on the stage? shut up! you're lying! why would you do that? yeah, that has to be a real bitch. oh, i shouldn't be laughing. you poor thing. yeah. that sounds good. no thanks. can i give you a hand? listen kirk, i want you to know that i would really like to, you know, to be with you tonight. well, sure. but. i just don't think i'm ready yet. sure. i mean, don't get me wrong. i want to! believe me - getting naked and crazy sounds fantastic right now. are you okay? i just think we should get to know each other first. i'm no prude. i mean, i'm pretty generous in bed. once i trust a person, i like to experiment and get pretty wild. but, i just need to feel safe first. you're the best. okay, well, i'd better go then. i had a really nice time. i'll call you tomorrow. i had good directions! you don't have a key? that sounds great. what are you talking about? i want to meet your family. i'm so sorry. it's patty. i've got to take this. go ahead. i'll be right in. i'm an event planner. well, thank you eric. hmmm. honestly, i don't really do a lot of weddings. i specialize more in fund-raisers, corporate events, that kind of thing. right now i'm working on the annual benefit for the children's cancer center. i've done a few. geeze, there are so many factors that affect the cost of a wedding. oh, how fun! okay. before expenses, my base fee for a non-charity event is fifteen thousand. so, i'd ballpark that somewhere around twenty-five grand. no, it's fine. the truth is, kirk and i are just getting to know one another but so far, i think he's decent, he's funny and. you know, when we first met, kirk asked me in all sincerity if i knew how to do an oil change. i know! and, you're right, i don't but. i just love that he asked. no, it's fine. kirk. your family i can deal with. do you really think i'm that shallow? you think i need to slum? is that all i am to you? kirk, this can't work if you put me up on some kind of pedestal. you already got to first base. just keep your eye on the ball. let me tie up a couple things and i'll show you around the grounds. katie, i'd like you to meet kirk. what's your wish, katie? oh, it's a dvd. kirk, i'm so sorry about the piano thing. it was stupid of me. well, anyway, thanks for all your help with katie's party. i know it meant a lot to her. tonight? kirk, before we do this, there's something i'm really insecure about and you're going to see it sooner or later so. don't rush me. okay, look. if you can't handle it. what the hell is wrong with you!? no. kirk, i've given you plenty of good reasons. a three what? what are you talking about!? what am i up to!? good god! the only thing i'm going to tell you is that i'd like you to leave. no, i need the staff ready to help with bids when the auction begins. - over. what is it? okay. well, what do you want from me? kids make ashtrays. they're not bidding on the artwork; they're bidding on the kids. it's fine. what are you doing here!? i'm sorry. i have to get in there. can we talk about this afterwards? thank you. thanks, bob. i'm so sorry for my tardiness. the next item up for bids is from nine-year- old walter benegan. and this is a. little something that you can put your paper clips or do-dads in. oh, who am i kidding, it's an ashtray. let's start the bidding at one hundred dollars. one hundred. thank you sir. two hundred to the. fantastic. two-seventy-five. do i hear three hundred? two seventy five going once. going twice. kirk? i hope you don't really think this is going to. what!? both of you! this is ridiculous. is that a serious bid? talon! please! kirk, that's your entire inheritance. folks, calm down. i don't want to get anyone's hopes up. it's only fair that i clarify something to the bidder. kirk, please understand that if you commit this money, we will all be eternally grateful and i think your grandmother will be very proud of you. but it doesn't change anything between you and me. so, again, is this a serious bid? three million going once. going twice. sold to the man in the branson bound sweatshirt. you realize that there's a good chance this won't work out. and you could get hurt. and you're going to have to be naked in front of me at some point. three million dollars for kids with cancer and you sing to me? i'm not made of wood you know. but one condition. you have to go brush your teeth right now.