i just flew in this morning. great to meet you, sir. so, do we have you for our disabled angels program again this year? that's fantastic. mol is always a big hit with the kids. and? it's kirk right? excellent to see you again, sir. yes sir, a naval aviator. no, it's my name. oh, i'd rather not say. it's embarrassing. just something the guys gave me. anyway listen kirk, is it fair to say that you and mol are close? well, i understand that fellas like yourself tend to have uniquely candid relationships with the women they befriend. am i right? don't get me wrong. i have no problem with your lifestyle. what grown men do in the privacy of their homes is none of my concern. hey, i'm in the navy. i don't ask and i don't expect you to tell. now, i don't know what molly's told you about me, but anything bad - i deserve. i hurt that girl. i hurt one of god's own angels and i've regretted it every minute since. god as my witness, i will make it right. i will get her back. can i count on you to put in the good word for me, poncho? you're the man. come here. there you go. feel the tolerance. roger! it's okay kirk. you'll rock us next time right chief? i'm glad you're here. i feel terrible about our little misunderstanding. i don't know what had me thinking you were a gay fella. molly tells me you two have been seeing each other. she's got every right. i'd hate me too. i want to congratulate you, poncho. you're the better man. now, i'll step aside and truly wish you the best of luck. i wouldn't wish losing that girl on my worst foe. but, make no mistake, you blow it and i'll be waiting in wings. love and war, right chief? i came to say i'm sorry and to put in a request for a second chance. i'm looking forward to it. eleven thousand! fifteen thousand five hundred! fifty thousand dollars! so, molly. can we finish our conversation?