well done, holmes. and watson as well. tell me, doctor, as a medical man, how did you like my work? the fifth one was so scrawny, it was over before i'd finished the first incision. what a shame. that would've been fun. i've a request. i've a request. quote from revelations tbd. thank you for joining me. how can i help? you're too kind. so now you're curious as to whether there's a larger game afoot, and that's why you're really here. allow me to enlighten you. your mistake is to imagine that anything earthly has led to this moment. your error in judgement is to assume i've been holding the brush at all -- i am merely the channel. those lives were a necessity, a sacrifice. five otherwise meaningless creatures called to serve a greater purpose. mr. holmes, you must widen your gaze. i'm concerned you underestimate the gravity of coming events. for you and i are bound on a journey that will twist the very fabric of nature. i sense fragility beneath your mask of logic, and it worries me. steel your mind, holmes, i need you. but i will rise again. pay attention! three more shall die, and there is nothing you can do to save them. you must accept that this is beyond your control, or by the time you realize it was you that made it all possible it will be the last sane thought in your head. death is only the beginning. hello, father. you can't fight it. it comes from a power greater than yours. you can only surrender. i've been imagining this moment for a long time. i must admit, it's better than i thought it would be. of course he does. it's why he's here. i am humbled. i am honored. my powers and my assets -- munitions, shipping, industry -- they were given to me for a purpose. a magnificent and simple purpose. a different future. a future ruled by us. you've made policy in secret for centuries. now, you'll make it openly. the first act is a necessary one, for without death there can be no rebirth. . at noon tomorrow, we will take the first step towards a new chapter in history. england will know our power. then, the whole world will. across the atlantic lies a colony that was once ours, and will be again. their civil war weakened them; their government is as corrupt and ineffective as ours. we'll take it from them. with their resources and our power, we'll remake the world, we'll create the future. are you with me? they're limitless -- even death holds no sway. i wouldn't do that. come, drink your allegiance here. you control the police. use them. `and behold, i am alive forevermore, and have the keys of hell and of death. amen.' i cautioned you to accept that this is beyond your control. now you see the truth for yourself. i want you to bear witness. at noon tomorrow, the world as you know it ends. and because i appreciate your help, holmes, i have a gift for you. she followed you. you led your little lamb straight to slaughter. and now it dawns on you, you begin to recognize your part in his play. you see the path he chose for you. didn't you wonder why it was so easy to catch me? i told you i needed five lives for my resurrection. why would i take a sixth under st. paul's? unless i simply wanted to be caught by the great sherlock holmes. so i could die on the biggest stage of all. you made me what i am. you seem surprised. did you really take me for a man who could be dispatched like a truculent servant? i see before me a conspiracy of arrogant old men puffed up by the illusion of their own vainglory. in your hands this once great parliament has become nothing more than a drunken satyr, stumbling about the world's stage seeking nothing more than to satiate your own lust and gluttony; your britches stained by the incontinence of your hypocrisy. i will not sit idly by and watch you violate the innocence of the public trust as you drag this great empire into the quagmire that your pride has dug and filled with the excrement of your corruption. i am here to change all this. i am the fourth horseman. i am the pale rider. and my name to you is death. you're better off without her, holmes! i planned to kill a handful of senile old men to make this empire strong. but now because of you thousands are going to die. all i have to do is break this cylinder. the wind will do the rest. and you'll be the first. cut me loose, holmes! we'll see about that shall we. it's a long journey from here to the rope.