inspector lestrade asks that you come with me, at once. it's lord blackwood, sir. it appears he's come back from the dead. a groundsman saw him walking through the graves, just this morning. well, it's a good thing she was offended or we'd never have found you. the inspector's been over to baker street himself this morning. we've checked everything. no sign of a break-in. the butler didn't hear anything. the body was in the tub, eyes wide open -- -- so that const. clark ends up talking to thin air. -- only his ring was missing. there's an order for your arrest all the way from the top, sir -- so you'll have to hit me now. yes, sir, so make it look good. mr. holmes. inspector lestrade asks that you come with me, right away. it's one of our sergeants, sir. he went missing in the sewers, the day you stopped lord blackwood. well, a maintenance man found his body this morning. we believe the sergeant was our first man on the scene. shot in the head. yes. indeed. the secret service has it, sir. they've taken over the case. we believe sergeant smith was the first officer there. shot in the head. he was shot at point-blank range. the secret service has it, sir. they've taken over the case.