london's so bleak this time of year. not that i'm pining for new jersey. i prefer to travel in the winter. i brought a few souvenirs. dates from jordan, tea from ceylon and olives from cyclades. i thought we'd have a little tea party to cheer us up. i came across this as i was setting up. theft of velasquez portrait from the king of spain. missing naval documents lead to resignation of bulgarian prime minister. scandalous affair ends engagement of hapsburg prince to romanov princess. i don't see my name anywhere. he has a palace full of them. let's not dwell on the past. by the looks of things you're between cases at the moment. he snored. i'm irene adler again and i need your help to find someone. there's nobody more brilliant or who knows london better than you. plus, it's a wonderful opportunity to see you again. why are you so suspicious? this is all the information you need. i'm my own man. they gave me our old room. hello, john. emerges from the alley holding a lovely bunch of roses. she sniffs them appreciatively, walks on. approaches a waiting carriage, looks around her, gets in. not for money, but for me. i wager he'll find our man within twenty-four hours. i'm certain. why don't i see myself out. oh, how nice of you. oh, look, a wallet. doesn't look like yours, does it? and -- naughty boy -- here's another one. i'll return them, shall i? these are lovely, thank you. if you're going to watch me take my clothes off, sherlock, the least you can do is help me with the buttons. to watch a lady undress without her permission is a criminal offense, sherlock, and could get you into a lot of trouble. so why don't you come over here and help me instead. that's better. i knew i could count on you. wonderful. case closed then. your services are no longer required. the eye patch was a nice touch. let's not argue. that's nobody's business but my own. you see, we are arguing. this wine is excellent. you should really try some. do we really have to decide now? that's better. much better. this is the only way it could ever work between us, sherlock -- one in shackles, the other with the key. i've never been in over my head. but free. and on my own terms. just like you -- well, not you at this exact moment -- -- but generally speaking. if anyone asks, please let them know that mr. o'neil didn't have time to check out. i hope you don't mind settling the bill. what were you doing consorting with a married business traveller in his hotel room is something you'll have to explain for yourself. where's watson when you need him? but this time no key, unfortunately. well, i'm a captive audience. you had a question. in some countries steam is considered excellent therapy for the skin. i have to say -- it's overrated. sherlock? thank you so much. i owe you. blackwood's manufactured large- scale weapons for years. lately there've been rumors of something new. more powerful than anything else. and. magical. my job is to find out if the rumors are true. i would say they are. i was. i had to get you to pass out to settle down. oh, i poisoned that one. better a snake than a lap dog. no, doctor, i'm simply a woman. understand that, and you'll have a happy marriage. not quite, doctor. let me make it simple for you, with a lot fewer words -- i'm what's called a woman. understand that, and you'll have a happy marriage. yes, your little white tail got rather dirty. what is the meaning of this circle? police. where to, sherlock? starting early, aren't we? all of the people inside that building -- i've never seen anything like it. nine strokes left. got it. which is when a blood-maddened dredger thunders into them both, arms wide, driving holmes and irene away from the device -- three. two! that was something new for us. watson -- goodbye! you of all people know i will pull this trigger. i'd tell you i'm sorry, that i wish things could be different but you wouldn't believe me anyway. it looks like rain. you were right, he is a professor. moriarty. key's in the watch pocket. you'll miss me, sherlock.