is that -- ? you should've waited for my help. what do you make of that? london will breathe a sigh of relief -- what did he want? look at those slabs of marble -- they're half a ton each if they're a pound -- smashed outward like they were nothing. explain it if you can, holmes. we're digging it up now. the witness is over there. you can question him if you like -- but you won't get much. if you lot don't stop behaving like a bunch of superstitious milk maids, you're on double-time! you're an embarrassment! also, you're forbidden to talk about this to anyone, not a word. are we bloody clear on that? the witness stated that he saw lord blackwood rise from the grave. well? you pronounced the man dead. open it!! that's not blackwood. you know, in another life, you'd have made an excellent criminal. tell me you have answers. we don't have time. i've an office full of policemen hanging crosses over their desks. a public that's working itself into a frenzy. holmes sees a dark, strange carriage waiting, door open. try to behave yourself. they just paid a small fortune to bail you out. begging your pardon, m'lord, i know it's unorthodox, but mr. holmes has been making serious accusations about you and the order, sir. it'll be a hell of a trick if blackwood comes back from this one. now you're going to be even more arrogant and insufferable than ever. you're welcome, detective. is the woman up there?