i suppose you already have some notion as to the -- practices of our order? what some call the dark arts, or practical magic. his power grows daily and exponentially. his resurrection is evidence of that. what he does next will be far more dangerous -- we'll give you any assistance we can. as home secretary, i have considerable influence over the police. name your price. sir thomas is dead. effective immediately, i nominate lord blackwood as head of the order. lestrade? i have five minutes before my next engagement, why don't you regale me with your stories of conspiracies. thank you, lestrade, if you could wait outside. very clever. but it's not murder, mr. holmes. it's mercy. we are giving the weak masses a strong shepherd. don't you see it's for their own good? i have told you nothing. it's a shame you made an enemy out of blackwood, holmes, you would have made a valuable ally. the powers at our disposal are far greater than you can imagine. how terrible is wisdom, holmes, when it brings no profit to the wise. we take power at noon. look.