mom. do you really want to go and live in that hotel for the winter? yeah, i guess so. anyway, there's hardly anybody to play with around here. yeah, i guess so. tony, do you think daddy will get the job? tony, why don't you want to go to the hotel? you do too know, now come on tell me. please. now tony, tell me. no. yes. mommy saying, 'wake up, wake up, wake up danny, wake up.' talking to tony. no. it's the little boy that lives in my mouth. no. because he hides. to my stomach. i don't want to talk about tony anymore. do i have to? okay. dad? i'm hungry. okay, mom. what was the donner party? you mean they ate each other up? don't worry, mom. i know all about cannabilism, i saw it on t.v. yeah. yeah, it's the biggest place i've ever seen. no. french fries and ketchup. yeah. yeah. chocolate. i'm not supposed to. tony. tony's the little boy who lives in my mouth. yes. it's like i go to sleep, and he shows me things but when i wake up, i can't remember everything. yes. i don't know. maybe he showed me something. mr. halloran, are you scared of this place? is there something bad here? what about room 237? you're scared of room 237, ain'tcha? mr. halloran, what is in room 237? all right. you'll have to keep america clean. okay. oh! yeah. yeah. yeah. no. tony, i'm scared. mom? can i go to my room and get my fire-engine? i won't make any noise. i won't make a sound, i promise. i'll tip-toe. i won't, mom. okay, mom. can i go to my room and get my fire-engine? okay. yes, dad. i am, dad. dad? do you feel bad? then why don't you go to sleep? dad? do you like this hotel? i guess so. dad? you wouldn't ever hurt mummy and me, would you? no, dad. yes, dad. yes, dad. mom? mom? mom, are you in there? red rum. red rum. red rum. red rum. red rum. red rum. red rum. red rum. red rum. red rum. red rum. red rum. red rum. red rum. red rum. red rum. mommy. mommy. mommy! mommy!