oh! oh dear, oh dear. i'm so sorry, sir. oh! oh dear oh dear. i've made an awful mess of your jacket, sir. i'm afraid it's advocaat sir. it tends to stain. yes sir. look um. i think the best thing is to come along to the gentlemen's room, sir, and eh. we'll get some water to it, sir. that doesn't matter, sir. you're the important one. very wise, sir. very wise. thank you, sir. thank you. now let's see if we can improve this with a little water, sir. won't keep you a moment, sir. grady, sir. delbert grady. yes, sir. that's right, sir. why no, sir. i don't believe so. ah ha, it's coming off now, sir. why no, sir. i don't believe so. yes, sir. i have a wife and eh two daughters, sir. oh, they're somewhere around. i'm not quite sure at the moment, sir. that's strange, sir. i don't have any recollection of that at all. mr. grady, you were the caretaker here. i'm sorry to differ with you, sir, but you are the caretaker. you have always been the caretaker, i should know, sir. i've always been here. did you know, mr. torrance, that your son. is attempting to bring an outside party into this situation? did you know that? he is, mr. torrance. a nigger. a nigger cook. your son has a very great talent. i don't think you are aware how great it is, but he is attempting to use that very talent against your will. indeed, he is, mr. torrance. a very willful boy. a rather naughty boy, if i may be so bold, sir. perhaps they need a good talking to, if you don't mind my saying so. perhaps a bit more. my girls, sir, they didn't care for the overlook at first. one of them actually stole a packet of matches and tried to burn it down. but i corrected them, sir. and when my wife tried to prevent me from doing my duty i corrected her. it's grady, mr. torrance. delbert grady. mr. torrance, i see you can hardly have taken care of the. business we discussed. will you indeed, mr. torrance. i wonder. i have my doubts. i and others have come to believe. that your heart is not in this, that you haven't the belly for it. your wife appears to be stronger than we imagined, mr. torrance. somewhat more resourceful, she seems to have got the better of you. i fear that you will have to deal with this matter in the harshest possible way, mr. torrance. i fear that is the only thing to do. you give your word on that do you, mr. torrance?