yeah. sure, danny, it will be lots of fun. yeah, i know. it always takes a little time to make new friends. what about tony? he's looking forward to the hotel, i bet. oh come on, tony. don't be silly. well, how come you don't want to go? well, let's just wait and see. we're all gonna have a real good time. hello. hi, hon. how's it going? sounds like you got the job? tony is his imaginary friend. we're just going to go into one of the other rooms for a few minutes and talk - then i'll come back and check on you, okay? shall we go into the living room? please. oh, yeah. oh, yeah, he seems absolutely fine now, but you should have seen him. but eh what was the matter with him? oh, i'm. i'm sure you're right. only about three months. eh we're from vermont. my husband was teaching school there. tony. no, um let's see i guess danny started talkin to tony about the time we put him into nursery school. no. he didn't like it too much at first, and then he had an injury, so we kept him out for a while, and, yeah, i. i guess that's about the time when i first noticed that he was talking to tony. ah he dislocated his shoulder. well it's just one of those things. you know. purely an accident, um. my husband had oh. been drinking, and he came home about three hours late, so he wasn't exactly in the greatest mood that night. and well danny had scattered some of his school papers all over the room. and my husband grabbed his arm, you know, and pulled him away from them. it's. it's just the sort of thing you do a hundred times with a child - you know, in a park or on the streets - but on this particular occasion my husband just. used too much strength and he injured danny's arm. anyway, something good did come out of it all because he said: "wendy, i'm never gonna touch another drop and if i do you can leave me", and he didn't and he hasn't had any alcohol in eh five months. boy, we must be really high up. the air feels so different. we'll get something as soon as we get to the hotel, okay? hey, wasn't it around here that the donner party got snowbound? jack. oh, it's beautiful. my god, this place is fantastic, isn't it hon? god, i've never seen anything like this before. are all of these indian designs authentic? oh well they're really gorgeous. as a matter of fact this is probably the most gorgeous hotel i've ever seen. royalty? oh! yeah. yeah. when was the overlook built? oh well he sure did a beautiful job. pink and gold are my favorite colors. oh, i'll say. boy, i bet you we could really have a good party in this room, huh hon? nice to meet you. oh it's just wonderful. hi danny! danny, come on over here. thanks. great. see you later, hon. i'm a wendy. god. this is the kitchen, huh? yeah. this whole place is such an enormous maze, i feel i'll have to leave a trail of breadcrumbs every time i come in. i wouldn't know what to do with it if i did. mr. halloran, how did you know we called him 'doc'? doc. you called danny 'doc' twice just now. yeah. we call him doc sometimes, you know, like in the bugs bunny cartoons. but how did you know that? well, it's possible, but i honestly don't remember calling him that since we've been with you. hi. no, we don't mind. sound good to you, danny? okay. you behave yourself. it's amazing how much activity is going on today. just like a ghost ship, huh? good morning, hon. your breakfast is ready. it's about eleven thirty. i guess we've been staying up too late. i made 'em just the way you like 'em, sunny side up. it's really pretty outside. how about taking me for a walk after you've finished your breakfast? any ideas yet? well, something'll come. it's just a matter of settling back into the habit of writing every day. it's really nice up here, isn't it? yeah. it's amazing how fast you get used to such a big place. i tell you, when we first came up here, i thought it was kinda scarey. the loser has to keep american clean, how's that? and you're gonna lose. and i'm gonna get you - you betta run fast! look out - i'm coming in close. all right? okay danny, you win. let's take the rest of this walking, huh? give me your hand. oh, isn't it beautiful. here's a dead end. oh what a maze. isn't it beautiful. it's so pretty. i didn't think it was going to be this big, did you? hi, hon. how's it going? get a lot written today? hey, the weather forecast said it's going to snow tonight. ah, come on hon. don't be so grouchy. okay. i understand. i'll come back later on with a couple of sandwiches for you and. maybe you'll let me read something then. yes. yes. okay. i know you've got some. oh no! i knew it! this is kdk 12 calling kdk 1. kdk 12 to kdk 1. hi. this is wendy torrance at the overlook hotel. oh we're just fine, but our telephones don't seem to be doing too well. are the lines down by any chance? over. any chance of them being repaired soon? over. boy, this storm is really something, isn't it? over. i suppose not. over. okay. we'll do that. it was real nice talking to you. bye. over and out. yes? not right now, daddy's asleep. come on, doc. he only went to bed a few hours ago. can't you wait till later? well all right. but really don't make a sound. make sure you come right back, 'cause i'm going to make lunch soon. okay? jack. jack. jack. jack, honey, what's wrong? what happened, honey? hon? what's wrong? jack! it's okay. it's okay, now. really. every. everything is just going to be all right. come on. here let's get up off the floor. danny! everything's okay. just go play in your room for a while. your dad's just got a headache. danny - mind what i say. go play in your room! hon, let me just go and get him out of here. i'll be right back. danny, why don't you mind me - huh? danny. oh my god! danny what happened to your neck? danny. what happened to your neck, huh? you did this to him, didn't you? you son of a bitch! you did this to him, didn't you? how could you? how could you? jack. oh jack! thank god you're here. no. it's the truth, really. i swear it. danny told me. he went up into one of the bedrooms, the door was open, and he saw this crazy woman in the bath-tub. she tried to strangle him. jack? oh, thank god! did you find anything? you went into the room danny said - to 237? and you didn't see anything at all? he's still asleep. well, are you sure it was the right room? i mean, maybe danny made a mistake? oh, i just don't understand. well what about those bruises on his neck? somebody did that to him. no! no, that's not possible. jack, whatever the explanation is, i think we have to get danny out of here. yes. yes. jack. we have the snowcat. if the weather breaks, we might just be able to get down the mountain in that. i could call the forest rangers first and then tell them that we're coming so that they could start searching for us, in case we didn't make it. if jack won't come with us, we'll just have to tell him that we are going by ourselves. that's all there is to it. danny? danny. what's the matter, hon? are you having a bad dream? danny? hon? come on, hon, wake up. you just had a bad dream. everything's okay. danny, wake up! come on, right now, wake up. danny. hon, listen to me for a minute, will you, hon? i'm just going to go and talk to daddy for a few minutes and i'll be right back. i want you to just stay here and watch your cartoons, okay? okay, hon? all right. now i'll be back in just about five minutes. i'm gonna lock the door behind me. jack? jack? jack! i just eh. wanted. to talk to you. i can't really remember. no, i can't. i don't know. well i. i think maybe he should be taken to a doctor. yes. as soon as possible? jack. please. ye. yes. yes. of course i am. oh jack, what are you talking about? stay away from me! i just want to go back to my room. well. i'm very confused, and i just need a chance to think things over. jack. stay away from me. please. don't hurt me! don't hurt me! stay away from me, stay away! stay away from me! stay away from me! stay away from me! stay away from me! please. stay away from me. stop it! stay. stay away! stay away from me. jack, stay away from me! get down. go away from me. go away. go away. oh. oh! i'm gonna go now - i'm going to try and get. get danny down to the sidewinder. in the snowcat today. i'll bring back a doctor. i'm gonna go now. yes? danny. danny, stop it. danny! eh. danny, i can't get out! run, run and hide. run, quick! jack. please. don't. don't. don't! oh! please stop! jack! stop it! stop it! stop it! danny! danny! oh! danny! danny! danny! danny, come here! danny! oh! oh danny!