gotta build her solid. who knows, mebbe jack buggit'll give his fishin' license to his boy. so next time, won't be nobody to pull yer out. his kid never got a fishin' license. what we wait fer? she's like the main stem. gives us our shape, doncha see. death's one shape. fergiveness is another. gotta paint the name. what'll it be? 'the tall and quiet woman'? ever'body knows ever'body. but billy's pap didn't invent the four women in a man's life. well. which one is bunny, i wonder? the maid in the meadow, mebbe. doncha know? they're all the same woman. that's the point. the maid in the meadow, that's her innocence and play. the stouthearted woman, is when you need to lean on her. the tall and quiet woman? that's the silent partner who always walks 'longside, so's yer never alone. and the demon lover. that's just the frostin' on th' cake. when y'find the woman who's all four? that's when y'got yer one true love. like m'gertie.