well, she don't wear a ring, cause she lost her husband at sea. just after the boy was born. sharpenin' those observation skills. first tool of a quality reporter. go hire alvin yark to build ya a sweet little rodney. this thing's a wallowing cockeyed bastard that'll sink in a bathtub. how're you doin' with the tall and quiet woman? i meant wavey prowse. my dad used to say there's four women in every man's life. the stouthearted woman. the maid in the meadow. the tall and quiet woman. and the demon lover. that's me poor father. thirteen i was when he died. every time i wonder. is this the last coat? well, there's no one else to do it, y'see. then better get alvin yark. t'build yer a real boat. so yer'll be around. i hope you get him fired. so i can watch him beat yer to jelly. i'm some disgusted. with the human race. it's too bad.